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Everything posted by general

  1. general

    Headshots disabled in 1.05?

    tried it, and I've got thesame problem.
  2. general

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    from what I've heard, first priority bugs are crashes and mission bugs
  3. general

    (COOP 1 - 12) Operation Firefox v.1.0

    I get about 2 - 4 fps on my PC
  4. general

    Lost-World Returns

    Its true that in reality some of these animals are similar enough to be wiped out through competition (especially on an island). Spinosaurs may well be the exception among the predators with its very different jaw structure. It is difficult to draw conclusions about animals from such different environments and time periods (would the Herrarasaur eat all the young T.Rexs?). I would personally have tried to create three or so specific ecosystems that are well documented (one could rationalise that Ingen only found good DNA at a few specific sites -a plausible preservation bias if you will). Due to all of this talk to Tyrannosaurs: Here is an image I wanted to pôint out for your animator (there is a link -I left it in the original context): http://dml.cmnh.org/2003May/msg00385.html The main item is the position of the bones in the hand (you can see that both digits are spread apart when the arm is extended). This is the current interpretation of how the arms would have been held and differs from 99% of museum and artistic portrayals. I can also get information on the range of motion that the arms had if needed. There is much debate on the arms which are strong but short (used to carry extra food? used to push food out of mouth? used to anchor prey? used to grapple in mating? used to carry young? used to get up? used as some combination of the above but primarily by juveniles -as adults were too big to lie down etc.) I personally favour choices 2, 4, 6 (in juveniles) and to some extent 5. Also in the image one can see the relative structure of juvenile and adult (not in scale). It is likely that the juveniles fill another almost completely separate niche (I will go into this a bit later). I also remember a paper if you want it that examined Albertosaurs and was able to estimate growth patterns (less than a decade to mature into an adult and most adults under 35 if I remember correctly with considerable damage that they believe may have been caused during mock fights over mates)... that is indeed intresting
  5. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addeventhandler [""hit"", {_this select 0 setdammage 0}] this code made you ALMOST invinsible in flashpoint, but it doesn't work in arma. Does anyone know how to solve this? thanx in advance
  6. general

    invinsible command

    oh found it I spelt it wrong I guess
  7. general

    invinsible command

    I searched, and I didn't find anything. Link me to the topic if it has cuz I couldn't find it. @charonos It doesn't work
  8. general

    505 addons

    If I remember right, there is supposed to be a 20mm sniper for blue and opfor but I can't find it. Played the mission blood, swett and tears. After clearing the airport you're picked up by a chopper and there's a 20mm sniper in it that you can pick up. However, when I try tp take it the game says that the files can't be found. pls help me
  9. general

    505 addons

    yep, thanks
  10. general

    505 addons

    Hmmmm... did I post on the wrong area? If so, pls move this to arma > general
  11. general

    Lost-World Returns

    YES!!! We will clone a T.rex and make a big studio for it
  12. general

    Lost-World Returns

    wait... those legs are still merged with the body to far down
  13. general

    Polygon limit?

    There is just not more information about the exact detail of the Arma models. Everyone that wants to create models for Arma have the same problem. We all just have to wait for the tools or guess how detailed it has to be. With some great texturing you can also add the details you want. Â not everyone, I don't have this problem just thesing you nah not me, I know enough to keep going on modelling. Â ok, guess the amount of pollys on the blackhawk then that was not the point I was just joking around a bit, hence the " " smiley and no, as VXR said, why would I have the new tools? I never said so. and as VXR said, we should quit here
  14. general

    Polygon limit?

    There is just not more information about the exact detail of the Arma models. Everyone that wants to create models for Arma have the same problem. We all just have to wait for the tools or guess how detailed it has to be. With some great texturing you can also add the details you want. Â not everyone, I don't have this problem just thesing you nah not me, I know enough to keep going on modelling. Â ok, guess the amount of pollys on the blackhawk then
  15. general

    Polygon limit?

    There is just not more information about the exact detail of the Arma models. Everyone that wants to create models for Arma have the same problem. We all just have to wait for the tools or guess how detailed it has to be. With some great texturing you can also add the details you want. Â not everyone, I don't have this problem just thesing you
  16. general

    Polygon limit?

    and how many pollys are those gonna be ?
  17. general

    Polygon limit?

    some vehicles are alot higher than 8000, and yes it's the biggest lod
  18. general

    Polygon limit?

    ... i know ... i meant ill look at the models ingame to get a very little idea of their level of detail ... no, I ment that I know everything about that well, not everything but you know I could give you the exact amount of pollys for exampel the blackhawk.
  19. general

    Polygon limit?

    You might get a smooth result yes, but that little nose represents a very small part of the chopper. The result might be to detailed. And I said as much as possible not never. but if you get the result you want... well, good for you Hmmmmmmm
  20. general

    Polygon limit?

    I'd avoid (spelling ? ) mesh smoothing as much as possible. first of all, it often gives you an unwished result when used on lowpoly models, if you use it on decent polly models then it will be to detailed, altough that doesn't look to bad, but you've only just started. anyway, if it gets way to highpolly you can use it as a 3d blueprint edit* forgot to mention that you can use smooth mesh to make normal maps
  21. general

    Polygon limit?

    Standards for the 'moment'. Is that ArmA standard or OFP standard? Just wondering, if that is ArmA standard, how you know (through PM info maybe, or you have access to more then the rest of us?). ArmA standards, can't tell you more (I may already have said to much altought it seems ok to post the pollycount avarage pollycount, you may never now what they will do to me ) Might not be such a good idea to say how I know before I got the permission to. Just wanna be on the safe side
  22. general

    Polygon limit?

    about the pollystuff: I'd use BIS standards for the moment. Their weapon models are about 4000-6000 in the pilotview and the highest lod is about 1000 to 2000 less.
  23. general

    UK Weapons

    1000? it's not very much... BTW I never said how many triangles there were in my model. It's about 2400. Pretty decent I hope
  24. general

    UK Weapons

    right I'll make a model for you
  25. general

    UK Weapons

    if you ask me what I'd do with the model, I'd first of smooth the handle, add subdivision to the stock and remove that really sharp edge (not saying that it should be round but those edges looks like they can cut you in half ) then I'd pay alot of concentration to the fine details on the gun. BTW many low detailed things make an object look very highpoly and detailed while they use very few pollygons. very usefull on stuffs like this. Now the SA80 is not the most complex gun (shape) so it wouldn't require that many polly to make it look really good. try to reach a least 1000 pollys then you'll have a fairly good looking weapon that can be used by many soldiers ingame without cousing lag. If you ask me I'd rather have 200 soldiers with less detailed weapon than 100 soldiers with very detailed weapons