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Posts posted by gunterlund

  1. Wanted to find out if anyone remembers a script that was done in OFP to allow you to create custom formations and add the link to your action menu. It had a config file where you would create the formation based on positions relative to the squad leaders. I wanted to implement it in to Arma if possible.


    By George i got it...


    Time to test IN MP...I will try to find a place to upload mission

    and then im gonna ask nicely if i can upload it to ClanServer..

    Let us know how it works in MP. Ive heard many mixed results of CEX in MP. Most not good. Dont know all the details though.

  3. The cartridges are spawned with createvehicle local, and the casings of the helicopter shouldn't be falling straight down, since they get the velocity of the Vehicle added.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">drop["\MBG_Cartridges\762cr.p3d","","SpaceObject",1,_lifetime,[-0.8,1,-1.4],[velocity _unit select 0,velocity _unit select 1,-9.81],0,3,1,0,[2],[[1,1,1,1]],[0],0.1,0.1,"","",_unit]

    [...some more...]

    _blah = "MBG_762Cartridge" createvehiclelocal [_a,_b,0]

    It worked for me and my testers very fine.

    hmmmm interesting they flow at 90 degs relative to the helo for me. I could be doing 190km in level flight and the cartridges fall out in a line down even though the gun smoke is flowing behind the helo.

  4. Hi Mando

    Sorry if this is a repeat question but I want to use the mando missle script to fire javelins from my launcher. I used the lab to come up with a script that I like but how do I attach it to a Javelin launcher. Or if Im a usmc at specialist how do I fire the script.

  5. Hmm... crap... textures on Thunderbird84's version are transparent on large sections.  sad_o.gif   I'm not sure how to fix that.  Hopefully T-bird can sort it out.  Once that's sorted out, I'll update the original file with that one.  

    Also ArmA websites, please don't mirror yet until this texture issue gets sorted out.  

    Chris G

    aka-Miles Teg<GD>

    Very cool affect though. You feel kind of naked riding around in it :-)

  6. So far there are two new things in the next release.

    - If you lock on the reco camera near a vehicle, the camera will follow the vehicle.

    - If you select an area empty of enemy vehicles for CAS or saturation, the planes or missiles will target the selected position.

    Here is another bit of fun with this system. Modify the No Call gunship script by change the cobra with a CoC A10, raise their minimum and watch it go to town.

  7. That might be an option for reinforcements, but not for airborne assault. The reason is that the marked support position is not only used to eject the troops, it is used also as HOLD position by the airborne troops and in most cases this position would not be well suited for any chopper to land and that night cause many unwanted crashes.

    reinforcement only works for me.

  8. The console works only with spawned planes, else you may use mando_airsupport_nodlg.sqf to customize your own mission behaviour.

    Mando Bombs online help

    mando_bombs_map.Intro, which is included as demo mission shows map click targeting for bomb runs.

    To remove the TOW launcher:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this removeWeapon "TOWLauncher"

    If you want to keep it, but without missiles:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{this removeMagazine _x} forEach magazines this

    thanks for the reply Mando. I dont want to use the console. Ill check this out. I thought you could use the map click without the console. Am I wrong on this? Also thanks for the TOW solution. Ill try the second one. If I remove the Tow launcher then your tow missles launch at a 45 degree angle into the ground. Cant steer them.

  9. Hi Mandoble

    Wanted to find out and I think I know the answer but Ill ask anyway.

    Instead of having aircraft spawn, I want to use aircraft that are on the map to do the mission. So for instance I want an aircraft to sit on a runway waiting for the CAS call. Is this possible. If so how. Also I was looking for the sample mission that shows map click targeting for bombing runs and I dont see it. I believe it was mentioned in one of your instruction manuals but I dont see it included anywhere. Is this possible to get? Thanks much and thanks for all the great work.. Love the TOW. I cant seem to empty the stryker of its internal arma tow missiles with the removeallweapons command. Any ideas.

  10. Sorry about the lack of satellite image - not sure what the problem is.

    I just downloaded the HV map from all the locations except MIDH which would not give me a ticket, and the primary download at Armaholic which didn't work (secondary was fine).  All HV PBO's worked fine for me.  Maybe a corrupted download?

    The file properties should read:

    93.0 MB (97,591,130 bytes)

    Modified: Today, June 27, 2008, 11:11:28 AM

    Not sure what else it could be - you may want to D/L again from a different source.

    Cant load it either and I have the right file size. Get message

    "Cannot load material file ca\Schmalfelden\data\layers\p_000-000_100_102_n_109.rvmat" 1's could be I's.

    got it to work when I loaded the small version up. The textures came back for all maps.

  11. Wanted to put together a list of all shortcut parameters because everytime I read the forum a new one pops up. What I know to date are as follow. Feel free to add, update or correct

    -nosplash - skips the splash screen

    -mod - allows community made mods to be used in game. Order listed is important bacause last one in list takes precedence.(ie -mod=@esp;@SLX

    -maxmem - not sure if it is still needed with 1.14. Keep hearing different answers ( also seen -maxmem=512 or -1024)

    -zprime - ?

    -dsound - ? Related to sound blaster issues?

    -profiles - set target for mission info and profile parameters
