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Posts posted by gunterlund

  1. the console works fine with dedi and non-dedi servers, so you may use it at will. Optionally you may add actions to some radio equipments here and there, and the actions will be executed always locally.

    gave it another go on the server. Worked great. For the gunship mission in the console can I limit the number of helos per mission with a variable. I cant find it. So instead of 2 helos attacking only 1 attacks. Im using the support console.

  2. how bout this in an sqs file?

    _unitlist = _this select 0;

    _unitgroup = _unitlist select 0;

    _carbomb = _this select 1;

    ;set behaviour of bomber

    _carbomb setbehaviour "COMBAT";

    ; move carbomb to target


    _carbomb move (getPos _unitgroup);

    _meters = (_carbomb distance _unitgroup);

    player sideChat format["_meters = %1", _meters];

    ~ 2

    ?_meters < 10:goto "LOOP";

    [_carbomb, "Large"] exec "ied.sqs";

  3. Working on code to get a carbomb to move to a unit. Im new at this so Im sure something simple is missing. I want the carbomb to move to the unit that triggered the trigger and explode. I can identify the carbomb and the unit but when I trigger the trigger the bomb explodes immediately before it moves. It should explode when the carbomb is within 10 meters of the target. I also get an error on the sleep 0.2 for some reason. Can anyone help

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    ; get unit firing trigger and carbomb for trigger

    _unitlist = _this select 0;

    _unitgroup = _unitlist select 0;

    _carbomb = _this select 1;

    ;set behaviour of bomber

    _carbomb setbehaviour "COMBAT";

    ;set distance between carbomb and target

    _meters = (_carbomb distance _unitgroup);

    _meters2 = (_carbomb distance _unitgroup)+10;

    ;move carbomb to target

    _carbomb domove (position _unitgroup);

    ;if carbomber is initially killed blow the car;

    if (!alive _carbomb)then

    [_carbomb, "Large"] exec "ied.sqs";



    ;if car within 10 meters of target, blow it

    while {alive _carbomb} do


    if ((_carbomb distance _unitgroup)>10) then


    sleep 0.2 + random 0.3;


    [_carbomb, "Large"] exec "ied.sqs";


    sleep 0.2;


  4. Thanks for the update Fer & Co!

    I know I'm a bit behind but better late than never wink_o.gif


    @ KeyCat: LOL, no problem, glad to hear you're using it.

    @ All: Since v1-1 was released, we have seen 400+ downloads of the framework. However, hardly anyone ever posts in here. What I'm dying to know is:

    a) Are people using BAS f, or just downloading it and moving on?

    b) What kind of missions are people making?

    c) Is anyone willing to post some examples of missions made with BAS f?


    Im actually finding your framework to be very useful. Im using it to create missions that work well in multiplayer. The only glitch Ive seen so far is the respawn side issue stated in another post. Its very helpful in setting up parameters to give the user lots of options in the mission including weather and AI performance. The mission result section was a little tricky to figure out as the examples were limited in the docs. Keep up the good work on this. Hope you continue to enhance.

  5. Question about the BAS  template. Im using it to build missions and so far it has been terrific. Two questions.

    1. Ive built a mission based on ShackTac group breakdown for a Marine platoon. I have the mission set up for respawn=Side. Right now we are still only spawning into our  individual groups then to bird after 4 deaths. Why is that happening.

    2. Casualty Cap

    Again Im using ShackTac group list in the Casualty cap array. Im not populating every group though as we dont get enough players. My Casualty threshold is set to 75%. Does this mean that of all troops in game I have to hit 75% to get a result or in my individual 4 man group if I hit 75% it will alert me. Do I need to turn off all AI units to get them out of the game (so right no I have 20 slots but may only get 7 players in)

    Hope these questions make sense.

  6. Sorry if this is an old topic but Ive been digging through every forum I know and cant find a working script.

    I have an invisible H that Im using to mark an IED. I want to random its existance with the probability of presence slider. Im using Jeeves IED script

    If the H exists then it can detonate. If it doesnt then no detonation in the trigger.

    I tried

    _Object = this select 0 From his array.

    ?!(alive _Object) : goto exit

    but it doesnt take me out. What do I do.

  7. Can this behaviour be resolved without having to download another mod. Im trying to get AI to fire over a wall but they keep dropping for cover. Can this be resolved with Setbehaviour/ setcombamode. So for instance if I setcombatmode to "RED" AND SETBEHAVIOUR TO "SAFE" will this keep him standing but also shoot?

  8. Viper I think youve done a great job with this addon. One thing I might suggest. The delay on the DPICM round between when the airburst occurs and when the rounds onthe ground explode I think is too long. The distance to altitude is not that great and I would think the explosions on the ground should be milliseconds after the airburst. Just a suggestion. Great job on this.

    check this link out smile_o.gif


    this was all I had to go by when making this round besides the specs but they didn't go into to much detail anyone that use to see or use this round can give me advise on how to maker it better I would appreciate it. The video only shows the ground hit I was using an estimate on the burst and delay

    Thanks everyone,



    thanks everyone for your comments I put alot of time into this the last month around 70hrs a week testing and retooling all the rounds, units etc....

    Sorry if I didnt make myself clear. The ground bursts are ok. Its the delay between the airburst and the ground burst seems long.

  9. Viper I think youve done a great job with this addon. One thing I might suggest. The delay on the DPICM round between when the airburst occurs and when the rounds onthe ground explode I think is too long. The distance to altitude is not that great and I would think the explosions on the ground should be milliseconds after the airburst. Just a suggestion. Great job on this.

  10. If you try to move the man up more than one floor he ends up dying. What Im doing now after your video is sliding the guy inside the building then straight up. If he goes through more than one floor he dies and gets a white circle around him.

    It happens sometimes, when dragging a unit through the floors or walls of a building you hear him scream in pain sometimes die.. best to drag him outside of the building into the height you want they move him inside.

    hI Matt

    I tried that but when you move him laterally to get him over the roof they end up dying.

  11. gunterlund, I know pretty well what you mean and this will be available too. You will be able to configure the camera/missile systems as:

    - radar system: you get the squares of detected potential targets and the selected target gets a radar lock warning. Your selected position or target is not marked as remote target.

    - laser system: you dont get the squares (while you get the romb for the locked on target) and locked on target or selected position becomes a remote target so other units might lock on it too working on remote mode.

    - IR system: You get the squares.

    Aside of these, the missiles fire from camera systems may work as:

    - Fire and Forget, which means that you can break the lock or close the system after firing the missile.

    - No FAF: which means that you need to keep the lock all the time until impact. This is valid for laser system working on "Local" mode as well as radar system working in semi-active mode (Sparrow like).

    colligpip, the system you are describing is already covered by MCC, but for a single target, not for an array of targets. With the MCC working on "Vehicles" mode you can popup, lock on a target, select its position (MCC mark) on the small map, and the move inside missile range but hidden behind a hill, select the MCC mark as target and fire a missile.

    wow good job Mando as always.

  12. gunterlund modern missiles use variety of guidance systems - its bit dangerous for pilots to track the missiles to targets only with their eyes. What if an pilot has to maneuvre/break because of some new threats? Missiles are developed, upgraded to find autonomous path to the target, track and destroy them.

    You are partly wrong with:

    Quote[/b] ]In real life they have to find the target to be able to kill it.

    They got lot of informations via satellites, radar, AWACS and even from ground. Think why they improving communication and data systems - its not like in WW1 or WW2 anymore. wink_o.gif

    Problem is the A-10 had none of that. Either a target is getting lased for them or they have to search for it via MFD. As I said Im pretty sure they cant ripple fire Mavericks. I think the only aircraft that can do that is the Apache with the Longbow radar and the hell fire.

    I think the camera should allow you to visually acquire the target then lock, but dont give the green box that allows you to quickly slew over. Make us work for a living.

  13. Fire and forget will be also available in next beta for AG missiles, you may break the lock or close the camera in these cases after launch.

    Hi mando

    Any way to turn off the ability to spot targets with the green square. this system is getting so easy it could be considered a cheat. In real life they have to find the target to be able to kill it. I dont think you can ripple fire mavericks from an a-10. Just a thought.
