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Posts posted by gunterlund

  1. Wow this thread has grown fast. This is probably the hottest product on the forum right now.


    Here is something with the healing of wounded troops. Tried a mini mission where my troops wounded an AI nme. The problem is that everytime I tried to get one my guys to go and heal the wounded nme he would KIA him instead. I believe it has something to do with my troops thinking he still had a weapon. I couldnt get my troops to take the wounded nme's weapon away.

    Also one of my troops was wounded and I couldnt get my guys to go take care of him. My troops did nothing. I think it has to do with the last command putting my troops in formation with me. They wouldnt leave my formation.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Ive been playing ArmA for four days now... and I would agree with the fact that there are quite a few annoying bugs, and things that need to be fixed. My personal worst bug is that parts of the flight model seem really twitchy, and very rough. Patches can fix all tho... so we'll just have to wait.

    Im hoping what we will find is the flight models and other model issues will be a function of tweaking the new Config files. All ofp mods are a function of reworked config.cpp files.

    Keep beta testing Europe, your saving us yanks alot of down time. :-)

  3. Thanks Solus,

    I shall try it out when I get back home from work. Just to confirm: All I have to do is place an ammo truck (east/west depending on squads used) and they will call in artillery. I'm guessing that all the artillery pieces from CoC: UA will work with this.

    Thanks again for creating and continually supporting this truly fantastic MOD. I have never enjoyed OFP more!  notworthy.gif


    low light

    This is correct. Just place an ammo truck on the map. when the mission starts, you will see CoC arty units pop up around the truck. The AI nme will then use this battery. They are not very accurate however.

  4. Solus

    All I can say is wow on this mod. You did and excellent job. A couple of things have come up in testing.

    Using CoC arty there are no explosion sounds

    my set up is -mod=coc;slx;wgl5


    When I come across a dead nme I thought I read that you can load them in a vehicle. Does this work for dead nme soldiers or only wounded ones. Also If I have my AI guy drag a body far he turns red. Is this the dragger getting tired. He will not return to being normal however even with a medic. The medic doesnt see him as injured.

    Great work. Keep it up.

  5. Quote[/b] ]Im getting an error on the 5.12 config. Preprocessor error. I copied it into the slx/bin folder. Left the config alone in wgl5/bin

    yeah sorry. i was talking nonesense.  goodnight.gif

    you need to exchange the config in @WGL5\bin of course AND have the correct loading order (or rename the config.cpp in @SLX\bin)

    sorry again  banghead.gif

    Hah ok now lets try this again.

    Im copying the config.cpp into my wgl5/bin folder (after renaming the original config.cpp) then setting putting in the following


    in that order, correct?

  6. SLX_Replacement_Pack_Mod_update_1.06.rar in courtesy of ofpc.de and WGL  smile_o.gif


    rename the existing config.cpp in @SLX\bin to slx_config.cpp

    copy this config.cpp in the @SLX\bin folder - NOT in @WGL5\bin

    be sure to have the right order of loading the mod-folders

    ps: solus use these two for hosting instead:




    Im getting an error on the 5.12 config. Preprocessor error. I copied it into the slx/bin folder. Left the config alone in wgl5/bin

  7. I apluad the decision to release the mod, even if it is'nt quite to the standard you wanted to achieve with it, it would have been insanity not to release it just because you were'nt 100% happy with it.

    The reality of the situation is, is that soon, to most people ofp will be just a memory because when people play AA they wont want to go back to ofp, no matter how nostalgic it is for them. It would have been a shame for this mod to have been released after the mainstream release of AA.

    I want to say thanks to everybody involved... especially the ones determined to get it released, I hope you're proud of it, even if it has'nt quite ended up being 100% perfect.

    Nice work guys!!!

    xmas_o.gif  xmas_o.gif  xmas_o.gif

    I think this mod's end was a product of their own hype. There were some pretty hefty and lofty goals that were unrealistic based on their staffing. I think a lesson to learn here is if you keep quiet about your work until release the expectation is much less and the reward is much greater. Look at what RHS did recently and BAS did in the past. You basically did not know they were coming out with these upgrades until they actually announced their release. Everyone went crazy about them.  INV44 has been talked about for years with screenshots of non existent work which led everyone to an expectation that did not manifest.

    Lessons learned for future mods.  And my own opinion.

  8. Yes there has been a video displaying independant MG in the top of a tank.

    It was in the finnish 500mb video with the armed assault press edition (relatively old build) and they played multiplayer and manned a tank with one as a driver, one as a gunner and one as a commander.

    500 Megs!! Nice. And that is located where?

  9. Guys can we have a little less chit chat on this thread and more pics. I went through the last 4 pages and found one pic. Otherwise start another thread about video cards and such. The OFP Photography thread is pure pictures and no talk. Thanks.

  10. Everything looks perfect, except the building collapsing but i guess its better then nothing and this was the best possible compromise between FPS/graphics and gameplay. although the rubble was a bit too flat IMO (and more/higher smoke when the building collapses so it doesnt look like an elevator going down), but thats something for the modders to change wink_o.gif

    Im sure these collapsing buildings will be a function of the mod makers imagination just like OFP. I wouldnt get too locked on to the video. The community will improve it.
