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About flobert

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. flobert

    Any Mods for 1.46?

    I think sebnam mod is for 1.46 too.U ll find it - as many other mods ... perhabs for 1.46 - at ofp.info
  2. flobert

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Those weapons are absolutely great looking, but is it worth to model each pin and edge of the weapon? Who cares about it in gameplay - noone really cares,if one is hunting by AI or is hunting AI?Ŕnd how many faces do it have ->performance? I hope you know what i am saying...well done art work - not the question - but think at gameplay....The graphic engine of Ofp is not able to show these details for most pc´s while playing edit: am talking about http://ofp.neco.cz/news....203.jpg
  3. flobert

    Island Demo: Project Owl

    Cheers M8 nice part of an isle, hopefully you will be able finishing the rest of the terrain. Maybe you cut a part to get it finished earlier in that style you have begun - quiet cool. -> Fish Style ,hein - ´cause i think it is as big as it needs to be but really great work. So,encore vais travailler
  4. flobert

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    Dac cleans all entries which are not used.So put as much as u want into this array.
  5. flobert

    Mapfact discussion thread

    Yeah baby gve it to me, give to me
  6. flobert

    FDFMOD 1.4 OUT

    You could use mapfactszonewriter/units extractor to get their names,all entries will be saved in your mission.intro .... if they won´t post the classnames
  7. flobert

    BWMod Tiger!

    Austrian is not german... is more a kind of late evolution (-> Darvin), because Austria has not that much O2 in the air for breathing and supporting brain with it than flatter livin´germans.... i read this anywhere
  8. flobert

    BWMod Dingo, Unimog and Marder

    Will the units also be dressed in winter camo sometimes? Btw great work as always !
  9. flobert

    Mapfact.net releases a rucksack addon

    Concernig the WGL Backpack, they mensioned in the readme
  10. flobert

    WWIIEC: Anjou 1939-1944 V3.0

    Nice work m8 But take a look at the transitions on the south side... Willl post the mensioned squares when i am back on "Anjou"
  11. flobert

    NIMOD Dynamic Weather

    Awesome work - fine atmosphere becomes generated by that add. But my question to use in my mission: I want to activate the blizzard after a period of time.How to manage this?I created a logic (Blizzard) after a few minutes but the weather won´t change.Any suggestions? Sorry,made it by createvehicle getmarkerpos "pos"
  12. flobert

    Ikar french planes and chooper

    Looks quiet cool... the c160. Any scripts added? Is this a derivate of colKlink (was it colklink who made the first one - don´t think so ) original one?
  13. flobert

    Soviet 85's Winter Pack

    What happened to the LibMod Winter units you retextured? btw nice job
  14. flobert

    Ironsight's Libyan soldiers

    Really nice Addon m8,but do you think a version without the weapon pack would be possible?Imagine one would like to add those to his mission - he is forced to also download the weapon pack by 50mb ,that is a lot for units of just one side.Perhabs you could release another version with jam or orginal bis weapons?
  15. flobert

    corrected CWC campaign to work in Res 1.96

    Works fine for me too,playing the old campaign again by using ecp. But i know the prob too,and solved it by trying it more than 5 times. cheating sucks - sorry "warmduscher und im Schattensteher"