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Everything posted by fusionofp

  1. fusionofp

    key list\remap controls.

    I too would like to know where I can manually change keys, the ingame keybingind does not 'take'. It shows that I am using arrow keys but the game still uses them for looking.
  2. fusionofp

    Ups and downs with Bohemia

    Moderator out of control will close any threads which contain complaints. You are not allowed to complain about BIS.
  3. Same as you Danetrooper
  4. Time for a refund, BIS has shown contempt for its supporters.
  5. fusionofp

    Linux Server Complaint

    Wolle, moderator out of control, says it all doesn't it. Always has to leave a "smart" reply ("But yeah I understand, this Generation wants it all, for free and of course right now.") State the facts and leave your opinion out.
  6. fusionofp

    ACR War Criminal

    Way to go BIS, first impressions count and this is not good. Has anybody gone back to the start point and ordered the MG man (SAW) to rearm ? He picks up one 30 rnd stang ! Tried it twice just to confirm.
  7. For those who can't download from the official link on the first page, are you using Peerblock ? It blocks Cenega International, based in the Czech Republic. Unblock for 15 minutes and you can get the patches. the IP is, try pinging to see if it's blocked somewhere on your PC or router.
  8. Most boring , annoying and pointless mod of the year.
  9. Won't run for me, using existing beta shortcuts or running the .exe directly. No error and no .rpt file created. Task manager shows 1 extra process for around 1 second. 90242 runs ok.
  10. fusionofp

    BattlEye GUID banning

    Thanks, I suspect it's a case of an old ban list.
  11. fusionofp

    BattlEye GUID banning

    He was banned using Arma2Rcon. No matter how many times I reload the ban list the ID (dcca6f5b0118d490c9301d92bd162880) is not there. Arma2Rcon is working, we can use it to kick and restart the server etc ( but it is a pain to use ). There was NO ban ingame using #exec ban. He does get the "you are banned" message. logging in as admin and running any BE commands produces nothing at all. When you say "run cmd bans" you mean #beserver bans ... right ? Hypothetical: What if the ban list was lost, have the BE developers catered for that possibility ? or are the GUIDs lost forever ?
  12. fusionofp

    BattlEye GUID banning

    thanks but i'ts not a PID, it's more like dcaac56fffdc788 etc, I'm not trying to unban from inside the game. So he remains banned :(.
  13. fusionofp

    BattlEye GUID banning

    I am trying to use Rcon to unban a player, his GUID is in the player list but not in the ban list so unbanning via Rcon is impossible. The server moved from Linux to Windows recently, is it possible he was banned under Linux and something went wrong with the ban list when reinstalling the server on Windows ? I have the GUID but can't do anything with it. He does get the " you are banned" message.
  14. If an MP game is started in Veteran, with 3rd person view off, can a script turn it on ? If so what is the command ?
  15. fusionofp

    Arma2 DVD scratched

    Wrong, they will not help. I had the same problem and nobody was interested, not even when I offered to pay for a replacement.
  16. fusionofp

    Please share your 1.60 impressions

    Anybody else seen vehicles and inf sliding sideways ? It's not always in the far distance either :)
  17. Dwarden, this link simply takes us to http://www.bistudio.com/ Same with all the links to www.arma2.com that I have tried.
  18. Hi. I keep getting a " missing ] " error if I use a condition on my addAction. I am trying to determine if there is a mine within 2m of the player. code so far: _unit addAction ["disarm mine","disarm.sqf",[],80,false,true,"","_x in (player position) nearEntities,2 = "mine""]; I've tried a few different methods to find the mine, including nearObjects etc but I'll never figure out which one works until I get past this missing ] :)
  19. I decided just to delete the mine as soon as it was deactivated. Had a play with VectorUP, because a deactivated mine changes its z position, I managed to detect the change but something went wrong and i decided against using it :)
  20. this is what worked in the condition field "nearestObject [player, ""Mine""] distance player < 2" Thanks everyone Ps. I bet nobody knows how to check for a deactivated mine (so that it can be deleted from the battlefield ) ??
  21. I'll try those two examples, thanks and Riouken you are damn right about them being picky :) As for code blocks, Its annoying to have to scroll left and right :)
  22. I just wrote that code from memory, i have used position player, nearObjects and all of its cousins. I am going to disarm the mine with a script which does work :) I do use the Wiki but the examples given are not very helpful. Squint throws up too many errors which don't exist but it has been useful. So I'll try your code now :) well, although there are no errors the condition "(count (nearestObjects [player, [""mine""], 2])) != 0" still doesn't register as true. If there is no condition then everything works but I don't want too many entries in the options menu but i guess that is what I'll have to do.
  23. If it's not too late for 1.2, i'd like to see some flat areas in towns for placing Warfare camps and bunkers. also, two very small islands far from anywhere else to place temporary respawns. :bounce3:
  24. fusionofp

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78927

    Well done twisted, quoting all that just to add 4 lines.