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Everything posted by farside

  1. farside

    New animated models

    why dont you download the FDF mod then it has ToWs which you can deconstruct, and spandrals ect
  2. farside

    Red Hammer Studios

    yea it was good but this one... lokks well a bit beter
  3. @ Crippler what you mean without your addon your pilot then no it dont wrok without that... but then again i could change that ;) @ NZXSHADOWS: actually no i dont have one i'd post one but i dont have the space i did have an angel fire one but i forgot the pass :P
  4. farside

    Landing flares

    like that guy in Jurassic Park he had one to take the T-rex away forom the kiddies lol the it knocked him over and ate the guy in the toilet
  5. farside

    Red Hammer Studios

    oh hows the Havoc coming along m8?the screenies released look damn fine
  6. farside

    New animated models

    we in Scotland do not dopulate with sheep un-like the er... english :P j/k But personally i think Deer in forest and stuff would be quite cool for a hunting mission (i made one which instead of animals there were civialians but new animations for soldiers has to be considered Immensly
  7. farside

    New bas thread

    THERE it is (not a very good pic) no that aint it either i'l find it..... after sleep
  8. farside

    New bas thread

    something like this
  9. farside

    New bas thread

    that looks like it dude.... but that aint it it was in a book calledIn The company of Heroes by Micheal J. Durant (real life guy who was in S64)
  10. farside

    New bas thread

    I once saw a MH-60 with (load out in order left to right but thats winglets) LEFT WINGLET: FFAR pod (1), 50 cal (1) RIGHT WINGLET: M134 Minigun and 4 Hellfire missiles quite a loadout eh?
  11. farside

    A few raf aircraft...

    498 Wishaw Sqn nice ta see ya
  12. farside

    A few raf aircraft...

    really? cadets? which sqn? no the 125 tutor (damnit they are good memories)
  13. farside

    A few raf aircraft...

    why dont you make a Grob 125 (i love those ickle planes)
  14. farside

    Lvt4 ingame

    nah FAB said script it for me real nice of him
  15. farside

    Lvt4 ingame

    yea i was thinking of doing the series
  16. farside

    Sad news

    Rest in peace my good friend Lawrie
  17. farside

    Rememberence for lawrie

    Lawrie.... who i knew for a brief time helped me, a lot, with my addons, talked to me in Messenger and was overall a good guy.... all who knew should pay rememberence to him
  18. farside

    Mountain elevator

    thats italian boats ;)
  19. farside

    Lvt4 ingame

    this was amost 3m tall 5m wide and 11m long
  20. farside

    I don't have the uzi

    o.k i re-installed resistance and auto matically updated to version 1.91 missing out all others but now i dont have Uzi, Car Small and the Bicycle please help..... someone
  21. farside

    Gears & striders pack 1

    Shut up little f*ck.... like to see you do better, even though i aint to keen on mechs (HG) was cool though i like to se new and origional things come into the community so, you f*ck of and make your own things
  22. farside

    I don't have the uzi

    nope not changed any way
  23. farside

    I don't have the uzi

    that works, its just the units who dont have them