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Everything posted by edelweiss

  1. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    Thank you Mr.Kenwoet. I like your ARMA vids.:) " 2.9 years later " - Operation Flashpoint - Plz watch it. Thank you:)
  2. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    " TIGER 1 " -Operation Flashpoint- Plz watch it. Thank you.:)
  3. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    "28% Survivors" - Operation Flashpoint - Plz watch it. Thank you
  4. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    "Task force" Plz watch it. Thank you.:)
  5. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    >action man, Blazin, Thank you:) I'm grad you have fun. " Cold war Crisis II " - Operation Flashpoint - Plz watch it. It's not zombie movie:( But I hope you like this Thank you,
  6. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    " 2.8 Years Later " - Operation Flashpoint - Plz watch it. Thank you:) P.S. OFP is not die.
  7. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    hyk soldiers sgh mogadishu mapfact oil addon xcam script Thank you:)
  8. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    "Bullet Hurricane" Plz watch. Thank you.
  9. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    And this. Plz watch it. Thank you.:)
  10. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    "Steel troops" -Operation Flashpoint- Plz watch it. Thank you.
  11. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    "Titanium cloud" -Operation Flashpoint- Plz watch it. Thank you.
  12. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    "M1A2 Abrams SEP" (Stereo test) This is short version for testing a stereo sound. Plz watch and listen it. Thank you.
  13. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    "112 months and 28 days later..." Plz watch it. Thank you
  14. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    "84 months later..." Plz watch it. Thank you.
  15. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    >Rebel man,Supershooter Thank you, I'm glad you like it. "The Kingdom Of Steel" -Operation Flashpoint- WH40K MOD is great. Plz watch it. Thank you.
  16. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    "Cold Bore" OFP movie. Plz watch it. thank you.
  17. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    >supershooter,456820 Thank you for your watching.:) CSAR /Chapter 2 Plz watch it. Thank you. Sorry for my english.
  18. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    COOL! I love it.
  19. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    OFP movie "CSAR in afghan" chapter 1 It's a tedious movie:( Plz watch it. Thank you.
  20. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    OFP music vid. Plz watch it. Thank you.
  21. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    "Lightning War"(Blitzkrieg) OFP WW2 movie. Plz loook it. Thank you.:)
  22. edelweiss

    OFP videography

    OFP WW2 addons movie Plz look it. Map: Normandy island Addons:WWIIEC,Lib,Inv44,etc. Music:"Eversleeping" -Xandria Thank you.