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Everything posted by emcnally

  1. I'm having the same problem. I've got the CBA mod installed and when I remove the CBA mod it ACR will load. Maybe if you have CBA installed try removing it from loading and let me know if this seems to be the case for you also. I'm using Alpines launcher so its easy for me to remove it from start-up. Every time I try to use CBA though ACR doesnt show. Any help with this would be appreciated.
  2. Hi, I've been looking all over trying to figure out how to make a Delta Force group show up in game when using the warfare module. So far only the leader that is linked to the module shows up in game. The other 3 arent there. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I've DEPBO'd about every warfare mission I have found, but they all start with just a squad leader as a group. Thanks for any help
  3. Thanks guys, this will work. What I originally started out to do was use a tank platoon but the tanks kept disappearing from under me. I take that back. They all joined alright, but the tanks wont follow directions. I can tell a tank to go to a specific location, But if I give a formation order or tell them to fall back into formation they wont move or follow me at all.
  4. Hi, I tried that and their still not showing up. So far the only way I've gotten them to show is to ungroup them, But I want them all in the same group. Frustrating this is.... Thanks
  5. Miles you must be psychic. I was just wondering the other day why there werent any Saudi units. The M 728 looks cool. I havent seen one of those since the 80's when I was stationed in Germany. You guys are making all the stuff I wanted to see in the game. The only thing I havent seen that I would like is the M88 recovery vehicle or the M9 ACE that you could use to actually build battle positions. Do you have any plans on porting the HEMMTs from the OFP mod? I'm so jealous of you guys. I've tried my hand at model creating, but I'm too shakey. So I have to rely on you guys that are great at it. Thanks for sharing all your hard work. Oh and would it be possible to get a listing of the weapons configs for warfare usage. I've been working on a warfare mission based on Desert Storm using GNATS sands map.
  6. emcnally

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 74123

    Some bugs I've found when playing in Warfare mode. cannot purchase repair/ammo/fuel vehicles from depots. when resuming a mission after a save units look as though they are firing at night
  7. I'm a NOOB with map making also and am having problems creating roads on my map. I know you need the BI tools(Visitor). You also need to dpbo the addons in arma2(roads2) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Visitor_3:_Making_of_simple_landscape. The rest I dont know because I've been unsuccessful myself at adding roads to my map.
  8. Does anyone know if there is a problem with buying vehicles in warfare missions from a depot. I'm using the newest OA beta and when I click on a vehicle to buy the funds get removed but I get no vehicle. Buying the HMMWV is the only thing I can do.
  9. I guess I forgot to mention the fact that I have OA. It worked for me also before I bought OA. I'm going to try a regular Arma WF mission to see if it works. As far as the spawning goes, it has something to do with the teams and squad configs. I'm still learning this part myself.
  10. I used the town construction set and created about 20 cities to use it for Warfare. I'm having problems getting AI to move long distances though. I dont know if thats got anything to do with road networks or what. Alot of fun though. Planes everywhere.
  11. emcnally

    Fallujah City

    Amazing map. So much detail in it.
  12. emcnally

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73968

    I didnt see this anywhere, but am wondering if anyone else has had any success with warfare. Since I installed the beta I can no longer run warfare missions.
  13. I found it. I put in an init.sqf [] call BIS_GITA_fnc_createmarkers; and it all works now... Yahoo
  14. That is wierd, and yes I did mean warfare. I installed the beta and still have the same results with or without WF. their must be a special way to setup ALICE with GITA. If you want to stay in one place using WF and try it out, just put this setvariable ["stayatposition",true] in you players init box. I also tried your debug command, now I see red and blue rings around all the towns but the GITA. So what does that mean? I've never used debug before
  15. Hi Alwarren; I did forget to mention one thing. I'm using WF. Could you maybe slap a WF down and a couple of units just to see what happens? I would appreciate it alot. I'll try it with no WF and see what happens. Guess I'll modify my post. I'm using 72888. Maybe I'll try the beta
  16. I put some GITA's on the Zargabad map and the original towns spawn with alice fine, but the GITA towns didnt spawn any civies at all. I've been looking hoping that someone may have figured out how to fix this
  17. Gret mod; I've been playing around with this mod creating a WF mission GNATS Sands map with the Town Generator. I was using the ACE mod which I noticed the ALICE module didnt work with it and the formations do not work properly so I removed it. All the mods seem to work well with the exeption of the bugs already noted here. I did notice theres no salvager or BTR 60. Any planes on creating these?
  18. Hi all; I've been trying for about a week to find something on how to input factions into WF. I have this right now and only the Iraqi units will show up. //Factions that side controls (buildings & defenses of this faction will be available). //Can use multiple factions. For example West could be USMC and CDF. Primary faction should be first one. BIS_WF_Common SetVariable ["WestFactions",[Localize "STR_FN_BIS_US",Localize "STR_FN_BIS_BAF]]; BIS_WF_Common SetVariable ["EastFactions",["Iraq",Localize "STR_Iraq"]]; BIS_WF_Common SetVariable ["ResistanceFactions",Localize "STR_FN_BIS_TK_INS"]]; I want to get US army and BAF on the west Iraq on the East and the BBmerc terrorists on the resistance. Thanks in advance for any help
  19. I'm having the same problem. Any town I try to set building spacing more than 2m apart I get an error. I tried the houseclassstart and got the same problem also. My biggest problem right now though is getting the towns to load before my units get there. Pretty funny. I get to the town and its not there. Then it decides to load right on top of me. Talk about getting squished.
  20. Hi Breeze, I've been messing with this alot. I think if you look at 6 buildings they themselves will take up more than 50m then the .9m for spacing puts you outside the box. I've set my City size up to 3500m and still got the same size town. So maybe set your town size to 75-100m.
  21. Hi GNAT; I had my units setup too close to the edge of the map I guess. I moved them to the SW Airport and they now move. Thanks
  22. Hi GNAT; I have Arma2 OA and was trying to create a WF mission with the GITA for cities and for some reason I cannot get AI units or my driver to move to waypoints. I can only make my driver move using the W<A<S<D keys. Great looking map by the way. I always liked your creations. This wiould be an awesome map for Desert warfare using the Town creator.
  23. I'm working on a script to deploy an AI HQ, it works except it deploys wherever the damaged vehicle is and I dont want it to deply unless the venicle is operational. This is what I have; ///Setup HQ////// _CDR = _this select 0; _HQ = _this select 1; _CP = _this select 2; _CDR sidechat "Deploy the HQ"; Mycoin setpos [(getposATL _HQ select 0)-0, (getposATL _HQ select 1)-15, (getposATL _HQ select 2)-0]; sleep 2; deletevehicle _HQ; _CP = "LAV25_HQ_unfolded" createVehicle getpos _HQ; sleep 10; CPtent = "CampEast" createvehicle getpos _CP; CPtent setpos [(getposATL _CP select 0)-0, (getposATL _CP select 1)-15, (getposATL _CP select 2)-0]; CPtent setdir 180; sleep 5; cdrchair = createVehicle ["FoldChair_with_Cargo", position _CP,[], 0, "NONE"]; cdrchair setpos [(getposATL _CP select 0)-1.5, (getposATL _CP select 1)- 17.5, (getposATL _CP select 2)-0]; sleep 5; cdrtable = "FoldTable" createvehicle getpos _CP; cdrtable setpos [(getposATL _CP select 0)-1.5,(getposATL _CP select 1)- 16.5, (getposATL _CP select 2)-0]; cdrchair addaction ["sit in Cdr chair", "scripts\sit_in_chair.sqf"]; sleep 5; drchair = createVehicle ["FoldChair_with_Cargo", position _CP,[], 0, "NONE"]; drchair setpos [(getposATL _CP select 0)+2.2, (getposATL _CP select 1)- 11.25, (getposATL _CP select 2)-0]; drchair setdir 270; drchair addaction ["sit in dvr chair", "scripts\sit_in_chair.sqf"]; sleep 5; drtable = "smallTable" createvehicle getpos _CP; drtable setpos [(getposATL _CP select 0)+1,(getposATL _CP select 1)-11.5, (getposATL _CP select 2)-0]; drtable setdir 270; sleep 5; TOPchair = createVehicle ["FoldChair_with_Cargo", position _CP,[], 0, "NONE"]; TOPchair setpos [(getposATL _CP select 0)+1.5, (getposATL _CP select 1)- 17.5, (getposATL _CP select 2)-0]; TOPchair addaction ["sit in TOPS chair","scripts\sit_in_chair.sqf"]; sleep 5; TOPtable = "FoldTable" createvehicle getpos _CP; TOPtable setpos [(getposATL _CP select 0)+1.5,(getposATL _CP select 1)- 16.5, (getposATL _CP select 2)-0]; sleep 5; briefingboard = createVehicle ["Notice_Board", position _CP,[], 0, "NONE"]; briefingboard setpos [(getposATL _CP select 0)-2.2, (getposATL _CP select 1)-14.5, (getposATL _CP select 2)-0]; briefingboard setdir 270; _HQdr moveincargo drchair; _TOP moveincargo TOPchair; _CP addAction ["Pack Up HQ", "scripts\Packup.sqf"]; sleep 5; _CDR sidechat "Sir the CP has been deployed"; sleep 5; _CDR sidechat "Comms with BN established sir"; sleep 600; Hospital = "USMC_WarfareBFieldhHospital" createvehicle getMarkerpos "Hospital"; _CDR sidechat "Hospital in operation"; Hospital setdir 30; exit; I tried to go with an IF/then but it crashed my game _d = getdammage _HQ if (_d > .8) then {goto "exit"} else {goto "deploy"}
  24. Ya I saw that, I'm not good at creating models. I tried with ofp and what a mess I had. I can create houses and things that dont move, But a moveable model with all the decor..... It would be a disaster lol. As it is I just got back into scripting after 2 years of quiting OFP. Now I'm learning the scripting commands all over again.