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About eNRGy

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  1. eNRGy

    Resistance buglist

    Bug: If you put a weapon into a vehicle or container then the ammo for that weapon ceases to exist. You often don't notice if the container already has some of that ammo in it. (Try putting an RPG nh75 that you have rockets for into an empty truck then taking it out again - you now have 0 rockets) Same for pistols, primary and secondary weapons, the ammo just ceases to exist.
  2. eNRGy


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jamesia @ July 31 2002,20:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">right, yeah, Bizon is quite an old weapon.<span id='postcolor'> When you say the Bizon is old do you mean the link I posted saying 1993 is wrong, or are you saying '93 is old? I would say '93 was pretty new really.. especially if (as someone else said in this thread) the aug is older than that - I always thought of the Aug as a really new gun. (But then I only know it from counterstrike )
  3. eNRGy


    I only played the original (back when it was released) and resistance, so I probably missed 1.3 - sorry I just assumed it was new for resistance. Are the other guns you mention actually in the resistance SP campaign, or just available for custom missions etc? I have not got very far into the resistance campaign yet - mainly due to Crash To Desktops (CTDs) I am currently going through all my drivers and stuff seeing what works and what doesnt.. Mainly I was whining about the lack of info on the Bizon and a few other items I have seen so far in Resistance - considering how easy it is to get the stats and descriptions on these guns (See the url in my original post for example), but seeing as I hate whiners on game forums I'm going to shut up now.
  4. eNRGy


    I only played the original (back when it was released) and resistance, so I probably missed 1.3 - sorry I just assumed it was new for resistance. Are the other guns you mention actually in the resistance SP campaign, or just available for custom missions etc? I have not got very far into the resistance campaign yet - mainly due to Crash To Desktops (CTDs) I am currently going through all my drivers and stuff seeing what works and what doesnt.. Mainly I was whining about the lack of info on the Bizon and a few other items I have seen so far in Resistance - considering how easy it is to get the stats and descriptions on these guns (See the url in my original post for example), but seeing as I hate whiners on game forums I'm going to shut up now.
  5. eNRGy


    How come the new stuff in resistance has no descriptions? I may or may not be dumb (No sniggering at the back there) but I didnt use a Bizon for ages after I first got it because I thought it was a grenade launcher. (Well it looks like it could be in the picture with that round magazine lol) and the clips even look a bit like rifle grenades (In their pictures) Would it have been so much trouble to put info buttons like all the old guns and toys have? Also while I am on the subject, I looked the Bizon up to see what it actually was, and according to this http://club.guns.ru/eng/bizon.html it wasnt made until 1993. Seing as this game is set in 1985, is there a time machine at work or did I miss read the info at that URL?
  6. eNRGy


    How come the new stuff in resistance has no descriptions? I may or may not be dumb (No sniggering at the back there) but I didnt use a Bizon for ages after I first got it because I thought it was a grenade launcher. (Well it looks like it could be in the picture with that round magazine lol) and the clips even look a bit like rifle grenades (In their pictures) Would it have been so much trouble to put info buttons like all the old guns and toys have? Also while I am on the subject, I looked the Bizon up to see what it actually was, and according to this http://club.guns.ru/eng/bizon.html it wasnt made until 1993. Seing as this game is set in 1985, is there a time machine at work or did I miss read the info at that URL?