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Everything posted by eddyd

  1. eddyd

    High detail F-16

    if you want more information go to www.f-16.net
  2. eddyd

    High detail F-16

    wish model are you going to make ? f-16A ,f-16C or MLU f-16
  3. eddyd

    A-10 Thunderbolt II v0.5

    hey diesel very cool plane can you make a camo like this ? img]http://edit.hostbasket.com/eddyd.be/fs2004_a10.jpg[/img] i know some guys like desertcamo img]http://edit.hostbasket.com/eddyd.be/fs2004_a10desert.jpg[/img] No photos over 100kb (102400 bytes) please.
  4. eddyd

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    DSL_A10 green RKSL_Light tower CWK_HAS DXDLL gebaeude addon2
  5. eddyd


    get ofpwatch ofpwatch download automatic the addons for you not all servers use the same addons that why we use ofpwatch
  6. eddyd


    get ofpwatch ofpwatch download automatic the addons for you not all servers use the same addons that why we use ofpwatch
  7. eddyd

    Utopia aircraft shelter addon

    hi colonel_Klink i have retext your HAS in desert camo , here are some screenshot . hope you like them mg]http://edit.hostbasket.com/eddyd.be/desert_has7.jpg[/img]>100kb only i need is your Email or icq nr soo that i send em over to you , if you want them eddyD
  8. eddyd

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    maybe help this one , that we use for it . this setpos [getpos this select 0,getpos this select 1, 19]
  9. go too llauma directory and open newdata directory remove the watertexture desta.01.paa , desta.02.paa ,desta.03.paa , desta.04.paa more_anim.01.pac , more_anim.02.pac , more_anim.03.pac , more_anim.04.pac , more_anim.05.pac , more_anim.06.pac , more_anim.07.pac and do the install.bat again in llauma directory go look www.eddyd.be
  10. eddyd

    Utopia aircraft shelter addon

    here is the link for more screenshots of the hanger and the rest www.eddyd.be
  11. eddyd

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    [ig]http://edit.hostbasket.com/eddyd.be/UO(040531-231337-14).jpg[/img]>100kb flying over When a moderator edits your post to remove the image tag of an image over 100kb do NOT remove that edit unless you've fixed the image - Placebo
  12. eddyd

    Aircraft towing vehicle

    great job with that hook up , hope can use for F/A-18 too. i can't wait too get all the plane's in there's aircraft shelter
  13. eddyd

    New water textures

    i don see .tga in textview , only .pac , .paa and all files that only thing what i see i think something mess up , i don what ? i will see later
  14. eddyd

    Utopia aircraft shelter addon

    can't get up the ladder a friend of my ,found a ground texture in the unpbo that was not to see in the addon of aircraft shelter of is only use in WRP that ground texture ? i love the bomb trolly , that you can rearm now a repair and a refuel trolly
  15. I want do know what happy with the RUSSAIN AIRCRAFTCARRIER. do some one know it ?
  16. yeah that one we don heard noting about it that why i wonder they still working on it ?
  17. eddyd

    Hunt the intruder - out-flank him

    great plane's footmunch but only the F-15 turn wide when you taxi on the runway not like the su-27 he turn fine keep up the good work , footmunch
  18. eddyd

    Shau valley island!

    very nice island , one of the best nam island that i every see but can you remove the steel bushs on the roads
  19. eddyd

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    i have a webside up with alot of screenshots of OFP here is the link : www.eddyD.be hope you like it