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Everything posted by eddyd

  1. eddyd

    Israel F-16

    both , F-16 and pilot for the F-16A make a pilot with HGU-33/P helmet and green MBU-12/P mask for F-16C a pilot with HGU-55/P helmet and grey MBU-12/P mask a israel f-16 , a USA f-16 and BELGIAN MLU F-16A
  2. eddyd

    RKSL Studios

    nice SAM'S , Rock any update on the buildings ? like the radar building aircraft shelters and more or we most wait on your island be releast ?
  3. eddyd

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    hey silola nice screenshots with the clouds is that a clouds script you using ?
  4. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    BOH 1.3 F-4 with afterburner F-4_JASDF
  5. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    eddyd.be DSL.A-10 i think WGL everon island with BRG_nature pack . ECP 1.085 , dxdll , Llauma sky
  6. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    addons: update one of footmunch F-16 diesel a-10,RKSL buildings,double malden island,Freya isand
  7. eddyd

    Island editing

    here is a link for newbies http://users.pandora.be/timothy_87/
  8. eddyd

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    thanks Parvus , yours screenshots looking always very good too. i hope that footmuch update the F-16 pack wow Llauma nice screenshot on that jeep
  9. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    rework one of footmuch F-16's (unreleased)
  10. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Footmuch F-15 , double malden island
  11. eddyd

    need your help

    thats Odol_Explorer_v2.0 oops Spai beat me
  12. eddyd

    Ship of Ramboofp

    you can use my texture from kuznetsov , is on hold  i have big problem with buldozer right now most fix that first later
  13. eddyd

    Armed Assault - development suggestions to BIS

    need good airbase's and aircraft carriers like nimitz and kuznetsov. better planes - F/A-18 , F-14, A-10,F-15,F-16,AV-8B,A-6 and C-130 for west SU-27,SU-33,SU-25,SU-22,MIG-29,MIG-27,MIG-21,yak-38 and IL-76 for east
  14. eddyd

    Lowlands Warrior Mod

    that MLU F-16 i see in the screenshots from LLW when go that releast ?
  15. eddyd

    Easy request

    maybe look to mapfact addons i think they have that im not sure
  16. im trying make maingun for the carrier i have make a first model in O2 here is a screenshot and picture from it www.eddyd.be go be not easy for a noob addonmaker if someone will helping with this addon ,pm me i go read brsseb tutorials very good , becaus this is no little gun but a big gun
  17. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    everon island , CAT afghan. island , long grass addon INQ_M1 and paintshop 6 pro first time use on screenshots eddyD1 eddyD2 eddyD3 eddyD4
  18. eddyd

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    new retexture carrier kuznetsov footmuch SU-27 spetsnaz mod SU-27
  19. eddyd

    AI Runways

    what about taxiways , unn ? so we can make a missions with airbase somewhere on the map and that a plane taxi up taxiway to the runway
  20. eddyd

    Models to any one

    i will try texture for fun must learn more stuff in OFP
  21. eddyd

    RKSL Studios

    nice airbase rockofsl Are you working on a east airbase too ? with russian HAS all that stuff
  22. here is the link :dammit , sorry guys the link is not working Http://rapidshare.de/files/889288/kuznetsov.rar. this is still a beta ,i have dont anything on the model only retexture they are 3 rar files in it :1.kunz1.rar are the pbo's                 2.kuznetsov.intro.rar for user missions                 3.texture.rar were all textures old and new one's. there are some bugs : some planes crash or blow up by landing , of the wheels go up. you cant stay or walk around on kuznetsov tower you are free use or change the textures have fun
  23. Bobcatt have you try chiefy mirror or go ofp.info for dl maybe that help
  24. a full-stop wierd chiefy thx for mirror np Gedis i hope some one finish kuznetsov model
  25. eddyd

    OFPL AirPack 1.0

    nice guys good work  yep that F-16 is big  so long is fun play footmunch make that plane so big , is not easy make an F-16 in ofp