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Everything posted by eddyd

  1. eddyd

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    very nice pictures all i love that plane too pilot left the plane !!! where ParvusÂ
  2. i have retexture the carrier again they are 2 roadways pbo's , TAKR_n.pbo and TAKR_hwos.pbo TAKR_n.pbo is first part of the ship and TAKR_hwos.pbo is back part of the ship bugs :the same bugs from the old carrier you are free  to use or change the texture and need a good addonmaker to finished the carrier picture's are inside the rar file a fix version , new door TEX and you dont seen no more water inside the carrier from the backside here is the link: www.fileforwarding.com/file.php?id=5114
  3. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    addons : CSAL II mod , mapfact addons , DXDLL , Llaumax sky , lasers_pilots , Anjou island
  4. eddyd

    Aircraft shelter

    that are germen shelter they have yellow and black the belgain shelter have red and white on the doors and no grass on the top of the shelter
  5. eddyd

    Aircraft shelter

    look good ,little bit paint on the front and don may i texture it , i have al the belgium aircraft shelter texture ready and have many pictures of aircraft shelters in the europe
  6. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    addons : footmunch_SU-33 , Gnat_kuznetsov carrier , NIM_Weahter , DXDLL , Llaumax sky
  7. eddyd

    Su-33 Navalised Flanker

    found it was the S key i most change my trottle buttons for Airbrake and Afterburner
  8. eddyd

    Su-33 Navalised Flanker

    nice job on su-33 footmunch but i don see the Airbrake come out , only on the wing like su-27
  9. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    addons : Remodel footmunch F-16 , DXDLL , Llaumax sky
  10. eddyd

    Admiral Kuznetsov CV - beta 1

    nice jobs Gnat i love that carrier now waitng for SU-33 from footmunch oh i have rework the deck texture little bit darker and more lines on it , i will send it to you
  11. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    addons : CSLA II MOD , Lasers_pilots , CAT_afghan. , DXDLL , Llaumax sky
  12. hey all Gnat , how is the carrier going ? footmunch , nice to seen you working on the SU-33 i cant wait test that baby
  13. eddyd

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    nice retexture's deanos very nice screenshots all
  14. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    addons : DMA_libya island , BAS_addons , DXDLL and Llaumax sky
  15. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    sea fighter addons : sea fighter from FRODO , retexture by me DXDLL , Llaumax sky
  16. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    remodel f-16 addons : remodel footmuch_F-16 unreleast , DXDLL
  17. this plane is too big for OFP the plane look like this if all texture's are remove and too many many polys , thats why we need a new SU-33 for OFP
  18. where you DL the Su-33 from then ? i can try upload in O2
  19. hmm , think i have that video of kuznetsov , were that SU-39 jumping reround over the deck and come back for landing again . by that landing he break hes right wheel . is that the one you are talking about Gedis
  20. looking great , Gnat look out U.S.NAVY , the RUSSIAN NAVY IS COMING keep up the good work
  21. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    bis addons and DDR island
  22. i use the SU-27 from spetsnaz mod , very nice plane and a good airbrake for landing on the carrier
  23. eddyd

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Addons : TomiD_SU-39 , SPM_SU-27  , DXDLL , Llaumax sky  , winter island and Retexture Kuznetsov from me Â
  24. i have put a fix version of the carrier , link is in the first post . new hangars doors texture and you see no more water in the backside of the carrier