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Everything posted by eisa01

  1. eisa01

    CiA co-op night

    Will you be hosting games during christmas? I might join for some playing
  2. There's a little article about ofp in the mag, I can scan it tomorrow if anyone wants it. I have a math mock exam tomorrow, so I don't have time atm.
  3. eisa01

    Guess the name of the game

    It's BOOM! I remember playing it on an old Powerbook when I was little. That game rocked!
  4. eisa01

    Shuttle Lanch!

    They're not lost, that's an urban legend. http://www.space.com/news/spacehistory/saturn_five_000313.html And welcome home to the shuttle
  5. eisa01

    CiA co-op night

    Had some fun last night, but I screwed up in one mission, and then in the last ofp locked up when I looked at the gear section I won't be coming on the nights in a few weeks, as I'm going on vacation on Sunday. But I'm looking forward to play with you all again!
  6. eisa01

    CiA co-op night

    Great video! Had lots of fun in that second mission, I hope to be there next sunday too
  7. eisa01

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    We have a game going now, so come on over! It's running FDFmod 1.3 and a zeus addon pack, check out warriors post. Don't know if the extra pack is really needed though. It's not big, 70 mb unpacked, so should be a fast download. See ya there!
  8. eisa01

    CiA co-op night

    Too bad If you can't fix it, maybe we can have a game on the Zeus server?
  9. eisa01

    Csla 2

    What about releasing it through bittorrent first? I'm just guessing the mirrors will be flooded
  10. eisa01

    CiA co-op night

    I'll try and be there this evening, depends on if I can get the PC from my sisters. They play the sims 2 all the time
  11. eisa01

    Operation Hippo

    When all the parts are done, are you planning to release it as one campaign?
  12. eisa01

    Ask a mod

    This has bothered me for a while, if you want to have the smiley, you need to type <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">:;): Wouldn't it be better with ;) ?
  13. eisa01

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    I might pop in, depends on what else happens this weekend
  14. eisa01


    The , is used as a decimal
  15. eisa01

    CiA co-op night

    I might try and catch a few games tonight, was really cool last sunday even though some didn't behave very good
  16. eisa01

    iBook or Windows Laptop?

    Yeah, if it's within your budget it'll be better with a powerbook. But keep in mind that the battery does not last as long, and the iBook is better value for money. The iBook line should see a refresh in it's lineup pretty soon, so you might wait a bit to get a better deal. http://buyersguide.macrumors.com/
  17. eisa01

    iBook or Windows Laptop?

    I have a 3 year old iBook, the battery lasts 3-4 hours, but was rated for 5. The new iBooks are rated for 6 hours, so I believe you should get 4-5 hours out of them. For school work you really want a laptop with a long battery life, so you don't have to bring the power adapter with you. But since you're going to do video and graphics work, I don't know if the iBook fits you, as it only has 1024x768 resolution. If you should choose it however, I would recommend the 12" model. And an extra 512mb chip never hurts
  18. eisa01

    Return of the king

    Some weeks ago I watched the whole trilogy in a night at the cinema. I was so sleepy and realized how long the end actually was. In my opinion a good end would be after Aragorn got crowned. Even though it has a little bit long ending, I still think it's a magnificent trilogy
  19. eisa01

    Return of the king

    I watched it too tonight with some friends. It's a good movie, and the extended scenes are well worth watching. But thank god they didn't extend the ending, or should I say endings
  20. eisa01


    Wohoo!!! I was born in Boston But I've only watched one crappy baseball game ever
  21. eisa01

    Red hammer

    There's the VoiceRH.pbo that goes in the addons folder. Don't know if Red Hammer installed other files.
  22. Made a RHS modfolder for you now One question though, in the T-64 fix, there's a barrelnu2.paa file that is not mentioned in the readme. So I put it in the modfolder together with the updated scripts. When I open up the mission editor, place a t-64b and preview I get this error message <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Cannot load texture sig_t64b\barrelnu2.paa and return to the mission editor. But the second time I preview it works fine. So what's the deal with that file?
  23. i need a trigger to activate if two planes are inside a trigger area.at least 1 will be flying. i also need a trigger to activate if 1 plane is inside the area and the other is dead. hope ya understood me!
  24. eisa01


    Lillestrřm, Norway 20km east of Oslo
  25. I've been trying to get this to work, managed it today. Really impressive work, but my PC has some problems with the load =/