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Posts posted by dingbat91

  1. Hey Spyder!


    first thank you for these tools, makes it so much easier to add some basic things I enjoy to missions I want to play!


    Secondly I was wondering if you (or anyone really) could help me with getting UAV Spawning to work. as to my knowledge it doesn't crew them, effectively making them null and void.


    I've believe I've managed to get it so I can use unitIsUAV to check the summoned vehicle is actually a UAV, but attempting to use createVehicleCrew seems to throw an exception and I've no idea where to go from there...

  2. Hey there NorX this is an awesome mod! something that seemed like it should have been with the Taru since the word go!

    is there any possibility of allowing us to order AI to raise/lower the pod via the action menu? would be a nice addition. :D

    once again thanks, my friend and I are getting a LOT more use out of that helo now :D

  3. Hey there Giallustio! loving the mission so far thanks for your awesome work!

    would it be possible to add some form of AI recruit to the mission (triggerable by params) I play with a small group of friends and sometimes the AI are just useful in bringing up the numbers to use for vehicles and just to up the intensity of firefights.

  4. also the varying scales of the game would easily cause design difficulties. for example what would happen if one player was attacking an island and the other wanted to sail to another island. in SP that problem is solved with Timewarp, but in MP that isn't a possibility, so does the second player just have to watch his ship sail for 15 minutes? does the other player have to "wait" while his travel occurs?

    also the fact the carriers ever meeting is a rare occurance,and would most likely end the game after such a meeting, as it would take rare circumstances for pursuit of a damaged carrier to not be a top priority for a player, so whoever came top of the initial clash would have a grand advantage. and would you consider it a "fun" MP experience if you fought your friend for a measly few moments, seeing nothing else of his presence but islands changing colour from blue->red

    Co-op negates a lot of issues, as the enemy carrier is still AI, but how do you balance the enemy carrier with that? do you let it cheat? do you limit the players in some capacity?

    a lot of big questions need to be answered, and a lot of the core mechanics that Carrier command runs on would require a drastic rethink to make a viable MP system. so I can quite understand how they might want to do it post release, and after they know the game has backing, because it's not cheap to do drastic rethinks of game concepts, especially in later development lifecycles, any company will want to make sure it's worth the cost.

  5. Hi guys,

    A new version of the Beta is on the way. We're preparing it and will have it out of the door ASAP. Sorry for the long wait.

    Take care,

    Martin Melicharek

    That's fantastic, not only because we get to play with updated mechanics, but also it seems like a good idea to at least bring out one final beta to catch any big issues now, rather than at the release date, it feels to me that anything we mention it beta 2 is old hat now. being so far behind in the pipeline.

  6. I'd personally love AI wise is the ability to ask them to deploy and crew based weapons via actions (Select both units-> actions->deploy crew weapon) would make mortar deployment so much easier.

    oh and for the ability to order helocopters to land at a location without disembarking (possibly require smoke to designate the LZ?)

  7. After playing for a few hours here are my impressions so far :

    1.Equipping is easy.I didnt find if multiple weapons were possible on mantas? 4 slots at them .One weapon,one ? ,one Ammo/utility and one for armor/hook ? Same for Walrus.

    1. in slot order Gun/Launcher-(Rockets/Missiles)/Utility-(scanner/ammo/hook)/Armour

    just so you know :D

  8. how does that sling work anyway?

    To use the sling equip it to a manta (obviously) then manually fly it over a Walrus get it quite close and a hook icon should appear, press use key (default: F) and you'll hook onto the Walrus. to let it go simply press the use key again.

    I suggest at a low height.

    word of warning: do NOT use afterburner with a hooked walrus in tow. you'll lose your Manta (not the walrus...that gets lucky ¬.¬)

  9. Only played for about 30 mins before the game crashed and my first impression was...

    "What the hell is going on and what the hell am I supposed to be doing...."

    Graphics and atmosphere are nice though and glad I paid some dosh and will keep trying to figure out what I am doing and how to kill something so I can get close to an island...

    I may have been lucky but my carrier could park next to an island and only got attacked once...the deck guns did a good job...

  10. into my first game, captured Styx, then promptly bumped into the enemy carrier at my front-line defence island (I stopped to gear up for my first island assault) both damaged each other quite heavily before he pulled away to the edge of the island. I retreated to the opposite side...I'm now stuck in a stalemate, The enemy carrier has yet to make a move while I wait for any supplies that might even touch a carrier.

    The game and it's environment are amazing!

    notes for dev's:

    The mouse, again, also took a while to get used to but it's something I'm adapting to rather quickly. AI pathfinding needs a small bit of tweaking especially with minute movements (the AI simply doesn't have enough time to manoeuvre before the route plotting systems attempts to compensate). it feels like the island setup right now forces Carrier versus carrier confrontation a little too quickly. and the inability to travel while hostile units are nearby is an issue...

    I'm surprised you cannot click a target to engage an attack order, or am I missing something?

  11. @carriercommand has stated that the beta will be roughly 1.5GB big (Source: here)

    That size worries me to how "condensed" this beta is, I'm guessing/hoping that the size of the download and not the uncompressed install to start off with.

    I'm just hoping it's not something like 3 islands within walking distance of each other or shortened loadout choices. Not only because I want something to "sink my teeth into." content wise, but it feels that condensing it on too grand a scale may skew our vision of it. and things that are balanced in beta may not be so balanced on the games full scale. (fuel/ammo consumption is a big example with archipelago scaling...)
