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Everything posted by dunedain

  1. dunedain

    Project Reality Development

    Well .. people here are not new to this game.. It's just I never saw this shit on ADDONS & MODs threads before, just how immature and disrespectful people can be out there.
  2. dunedain

    Project Reality Development

    Those people you describe don't play PR on Bf2, have you even tried the game cause even if your description is accurate when it comes to the average Bf2 vanilla gamer it's way off the mark on Project Reality. Actually I think they're doing this mod to avoid some Bf2 limitations and extend the pvp dimension on Arma2. Plus that if you had played Pr you would know that the game is really slow and hard, it's not like Arma2 coops where you kill dozens of dumb IAs in a game, actually kills on Pr are really gratifying. You should just forget Bf2 when you talk about Project Reality. They aren't unexperienced modders on the Real Virtuality, you know. Please, stop meddling. Many people are really excited by what this mod wants to accomplish, except those few whining all along this thread...
  3. dunedain

    Project Reality Development

    I think the man mentioned there may be others blue factions, and devs from Project Reality are really open to "community" made factions which is great for all those a bit bored of Anglo-Saxon militaries. First they want the Uk forces in, I just hope one of the two French mod alive may join later, and also some others European forces "Germans ect..".
  4. dunedain

    Project Reality Development

    Great news, I love PR!! :) I loved WGL, ACE and can't imagine anymore Arma2 without ACE2 loaded but Let's hope you'll success on bringing to Arma2 what makes PR so enjoyable on Bf2, teamplay, pvp and excellent maps. ;) Any chance to see, as on PR, different factions done by the "community" ? :o
  5. dunedain

    Valve to Deliver Steam & Source on the Mac

    I agree with that. Would be good to see some competition, good for us.
  6. dunedain

    Brittany map

    Great, I can see my house from here !! :)
  7. So what ? this is communist land here or what ? If that guy spend hundred hours on modding, it is his right to not wish to share his work ... What's funny is how people who do the less are always the most eager to say "let's help each other" "gimme ya work" and other bullshit.. I can understand such reaction, I would hate to see so much disrespect toward my work. Even if I'm terribly sad, they'll probably never release it... Last hope for us to play our army being French Forces on Project Reality.
  8. dunedain

    Brittany map

    That's kinda cool !! :inlove: Here a website you may want to look into.
  9. dunedain

    Holiday STEAM sale.

    I agree, but I think it's too late now. Too bad 505 Games did not lowered Arma2's price. I've bought myself 10 games during those Steam Holiday Sales ..
  10. It would probably be safer to put ACE_SM and then CSM2 on your shortcut, I guess.
  11. I prefer English not only cause localization in French usually sucks but also cause I really want to improve my English. :)
  12. Isn't it what a forum is about ? to share informations, ideas, wishes ? BIS has a great community, especially of modders and gamers in love with tactical shooters, for the most part mature ... ;) Plus we know they're reading us so.. :D
  13. Ro2's cover system seems really good, this game will have everything that lack on tactical shooters since Infiltration on UT99. I also played Call of Juarez 2 and its cover system wasn't as good as what the future hit of Tripwire Interactive shows now. I would for sure appreciate this on the "Ultimate Military Simulation", with the capability of firing from vehicle would be the least.
  14. What about an eventual compatibility with ACE2 ?
  15. dunedain

    Shattered Horizon - Zero-G FPS

    Maybe those recommended requirements are actually realistic, while many devs "BiS as well" consciously underestimate the rig needed to run their game.
  16. Definitely the mod I await the most with ACE and FAFw, great job. ;)
  17. Just switch off the psu.
  18. dunedain

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Yaii fps is limited by monitor's refresh rate, still that I had had a 120Hz monitor for years and you can easily tell the difference, which really annoyed me when I switched to my 75Hz LCD. Even if I agree it's not really relevant to such tactical shooters, I'm kind of open minded and play a wide selection of games. But an even higher framerate that your monitor is actually capable to draw still influences how the game behave "rate of fire, running speed, traffic between you and the server ect..." depending of the game. Concerning Ofp2 DR, I really tried to give a chance to this game I even argued against BiS' fanboys on different forums .. But seriously to me R6Vegas2 and Graw2 are much better "tactical shooters speaking" which isn't a compliment at all ... The controls and the GUI are consolish and bugged "mainly mouse not reacting", the gameplay isn't interesting, graphics are bad even everything maxed out the whole look isn't realistic at all, colors are really strange night is as bright as day, night is blue, day is orange and many little things that ruin the gameplay .. Seriously Codemasters stick to arcade racing games.
  19. dunedain

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Right ... I can read this everywhere since I'm online "6 years" seems that the average people just can't get it .. I just can't figures out where that stupid statement comes from, it always been obvious to me .. :confused:
  20. dunedain

    No dedicated server on MW2 as well...

    May interest some people, you can win COD6 Prestige Edition on PlayFire.com .. Answers : 1 : Infinity Ward 2 : PS3, Xbox 360 and PC 3 : November 10th 2009 (?) 4 : fourzerotwo 5 : Dual-wield handguns 6 : Modern Warfare 2: Ghost 7 : it's one iteration on 8 : Square Enix 9 : Task Force 141 10 : Sargeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson
  21. dunedain

    Cryengine 3 Beauty Speed Interaction Trailer

    Just a preview of the possibilities ? .. There is no doubt that the cryengine is the most advanced 3D engine out there. I'm sure you can do a lot of thing with this, especially first person shooters with large open areas and a huge number of entities.. The only problem is it has a cost to work with the best tools.
  22. dunedain

    pimp my gun (beta)

    My first try, nothing original but I like it :D [Edit] "While waiting for my clothes to dry" [Edit bis] Sweet ;D
  23. dunedain

    Unit expansions

    True, and personnaly I prefer to buy a 35€ big expansion rather than numerous little DLCs .. "I won't ever pay for DLC"
  24. dunedain

    Which Internet Browser Do You Use?

    I used Opera the last 5 years and still do. Light, fast, polyvalent, and stable "haven't seen a crash since Opera 10.00 is out" And I really love the way you can personalize everything on it. If that ain't a "minimalistic appearance" ..
  25. dunedain

    Water at moon.

    Not bad for a third wold country. :)