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Everything posted by dunedain

  1. I wish it was true but many console ports run like crap on PC. As for OP's question maybe you should get ArmA: Armed Assault, it should run better than Arma2 on your computer and is still way better than Dragon Rising.
  2. dunedain

    They better have female soldiers...

    It's never the case at least for physical tests which are "adapted" for women. Moreover I talked with NCOs in my country who told me women were much more refractory than men to discipline and generally lesser soldiers. It's just the usual liberal idealistic bullshit agenda at work.
  3. Are there only mp missions available for this mod? I'm looking for some good solo experience, but can't find any for this mod. :)
  4. dunedain

    Stream safe UI

    People who join the server you're streaming from to kill your avatar I guess.
  5. dunedain

    Welcome back Ivan & Martin!

    Well welcome back guys. I hope you'll be ok...
  6. dunedain

    Do you want Laaagdoll Physics in ArmA 3?

    Walker used to be extremly vocal against ragdoll integration in the Real Virtuality... I remember him spending the time to write so many thousands of word big posts whenever the subject was brought up to explain how retarded and ignorant we all were. Joke on him. The only obvious disavantage of ragdoll over animations is that depending on how it's done you may not have any synchronisation between the clients and the server. In that case no way to take cover behind a dead body. It really depends on how they do it. Red Orchestra Osfront back in 2006 had already a really good ragdoll integration with dismemberments and bodies that actually seemed to have a weight. I'm realy curious what the community will be able to do with these new tools.
  7. dunedain

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    @aLmAnZo Steam isn't the place to buy a recently released game. But as far as the pricing goes they are among the best when it comes to sales. I don't buy my games outside those, and I have around 250 games most bought on the Steam Store, barely any indie, for little money through the years. The €/$/£ conversion is retarded though, and the reason why I have a lot of games I bought on amazon.com with a fake US address. As for the second issue, the current beta of Steam allows your to choose your installation path for each game. So soon enough those "stupid workarounds" as you call them will be obsolete. I myself do agree that this community is pretty conservative and dislike DRMs even when they can be pretty convenient like Steam. However as far as what is best for BIS, I can't help but think that for instance the Workshop is typically a feature from Steam ArmaIII would benefit a great deal as it serves as a great display of your game and its community to millions of potential customers using Steam. @Sailindawg&swissMAG ArmaIII is gonna be on Steam anyway. The debate here, is wether BIS should make ArmaIII Steamworks which would link your game to your Steam account regardless of where you bought it. @Zipper5 Well the thing is that right now, most customers who don't feel like owing anything to BIS may not buy on Sprocket because it's not Steam. They either buy retail like I did so far with all my BIS games or buy it on Steam. I'ld be curious to see a pie chart of ArmaIICO sales cut into retail, Steam, Sprocket and others... Anyway as long as you offer the game for a better or equivalent price to Steam, thanks to Steamworks, your customers will have the possibility to buy on Sprocket and redeam their key on Steam. In such scenario Sprocket could actually increase its sales figures. This is also why Steamworks is great, as it doesn't cut off the competition in the digital distribution segment while giving you access to excellent services such as the Workshop. @ryguy Not at all... You would see the same servers as anyone, I don't even see how you could come to such conclusion. Moreover by using Steamworks nothing is forcing BIS or anyone to use Valve's server browser anyway, although it is way ahead of ArmaII's... @metalcraze Funnily I read your post before the quote, and the word narrow-minded came to my mind as well.
  8. dunedain

    Windows 8 : Will you buy it ?

    I use Windows 7 64bits and am very happy with it. For someone who mostly browse the internet, watch movies and play video games on his computer, is Windows 8 better? I really don't care about the fancy stuff, I only look for perfomances.
  9. dunedain

    Preorder Bonuses?

    What you're describing OP would be a collector edition. Which is always great for those who can afford the price asked. Anyway I'm all against ingame pre-order bonuses and day one DLCs, that kind of garbage stuff is a complete no-go for me. I'm even hoping that BIS isn't gonna release any BAF, PMC and ACR kind of DLCs, but rather a couple of expansions the kind of Resistance was for OFP and Operation Arrowhead for Arma2. Anyway I can't wait to pre-order ArmaIII for me and a friend, I hope the pre-order will be available on both BI's store and Steam. ;)
  10. This is really nice. Thanks Lao Fei Mao and of course Smookie for the awesome mod. :)
  11. dunedain

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    If the DLC requries ArrowHead anyway, why didn't they just release ACR with all the necessary content from A2 for those users? Moreover the patcher detects what kind of installation you have anyway right? Not sure if there are legit reasons not to add ACR lite in future 1.63 patch or they are just being lazy? Seeing the quality of that DLC, I tend to think they just want to be over with ArmaII.
  12. dunedain

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    DLCs showing on your library? Wow that's cheap. Are they even trying? Why would you even want to uninstall a DLC? They are part of the game and don't alter it in any way, except for the extra content. Seems to me BIS never bothered making things properly for their Steam releases. Every game on Steam with DLCs has its own tab listing them. BAF and ACR are DLCs for OA, why would they list them like independent titles? That's not pragmatic and pointless considering how the game works... Since I've been tired of all those boxes on my desk for a while now, I thought of buying Arma II and its extensions on Steam. But damn it seems to me BIS made it a pain in the ass to own their games on that service. I'm just gonna wait, maybe one day they'll release a properly patched ArmaII Gold with all the expansions.
  13. dunedain

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I seriously doubt they are going to release a new expansion on DVD for what is a single DLC. Unless they charge it 30€ like they did for Reinforcements..
  14. dunedain

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    That's ridiculous.. The PC market has never been that healthy since the digital market got that big. Steam does take 30% as far as I know, but for indies it's 70% of the sales that get directly back at them. Back in the days when they needed a publisher they wouldn't get half of that, not even close. Before Steam and the like they never got that much attention anyway. People buy on Steam because it's more convenient, however nothing is stopping BIS from making ArmaIII Steamworks and getting 100% profits from the keys they sell themselves on their website, if the price is better people will buy on their store. Anyway Steam has plenty of competitors, nothing is forcing devs or publishers to use it. You have plenty of great quality alternatives. Steam is nothing close to having a monopoly nor is it likely to happen on Windows or any other third party operating system, that's the most ignorant thing I'm hearing a lot these days.. Notch himself said recently that Minecraft never sold that fast and there was no point for him to join Steam while Minecraft is at its pick of popularity. Steam is a good thing because as a service provider with a huge consumer base, it will always give your game the best chance to sell. It's hardly hurting anyone nor anything. Although it's up to the devs or publishers to do whatever they want, fanboys wanting everything on Steam can be annoying that's true as are those with a blind hatred toward it. I don't know about him but you in the other hand certainly don't..
  15. dunedain

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    That's what I said.
  16. dunedain

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I've been reading these forums for years before creating an account, since 2003 actually when I got access to ADSL and was eager to find as many mods as I could for OFP.. Don't know if you can speak French or any language other than English, but it's always much easier to comprehend a language that isn't yours than expressing yourself using that said language. I have an awful lot of digital games, however I only use Steam and GOG. I buy games on other shops only if they are Steamworks. This DLC being only available for download is inconvenient for me, and not worth it so close from Arma3's open beta. End of the line. I actually waited Reinforcement to be released and bought it 28€, which was kind of a rip-off, but whatever money isn't an issue. I guess I'll wait a promo on Steam to buy Arma2 again.
  17. dunedain

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    It sucks for me. I bought all my BIS games on retail since OFP 11 years ago... If it isn't released on retail, like both previous DLC with Reinforcement, I'll have to pass. :(
  18. dunedain

    Near death experiences/intense situations.

    I can only remember three events I really thought I was lucky to be alive afterward. Every summer my small town on the coast is invaded by gypsies or whatever you call those filthy savages. Once those idiots thought it'ld be funny to drive through the entire village in a dirty old hyppy SUV at full speed without ever stopping. I was at that pedestrian crossing, almost half through it, it went way too fast for me to understand what was going on but they managed to avoid killing me by barely a meter. That happened at the end of summer, so they left a couple of weeks later with all the shit they stole leaving behind them a huge a pile of shit. Same story every year. When I was young we all used to jump from the embankment in the port, that's a good 4 meters high during the low tide. There was that metal pole put in a tire full of concret that some asshole thought it'ld be funny to drop into the sea ... I once jumped and felt the pole with my feet when I jumped underneath the water. Had I jumped a few centimeters short I'ld be dead or severely injured, the tip of the pole was only a few centimeters under the water. There was also that time with my best childhood friend when the brakes on my bike broke while I was at full speed in a slope, lucky enough there was that huge bush right before the road. The sight was probably hilarious 'cause my friend couldn't stop laughing, I remember being quite pissed off personally. Thinking about it now it could have gone horribly wrong for me, it was either the bush, a car or a concret wall. I also have a quite large collection of scars on my skull, I used to be reckless not to say suicidal and my mother "was" too self-centered to mind the fuck her child was doing outside all day long. :j: My sister also tried to kill me twice, by pushing me in the stairs and from the bed when we were jumping on it with our big brother, I owe her two of my scars. We get along pretty well now though.
  19. I was thinking of the animations, from what I understood so far it's an area of the engine that is going to be upgraded in Arma III "weapon handling, reloading, interaction with vehicles ect..". I don't see the point of adding ArmaCO weaponery while they may not have the same standards of quality the new content will have. And I'm not strickly speaking of textures and models, in case you didn't understand. You said it yourself, they'ld have to rework those assets. My point being I won't buy a DLC made of recycled content, people who like the game without being blind won't either.
  20. I kinda agree with him ... I don't really undestand why people always want the old content being ported and even being charged for it. I never understood fanboyism either though. I'ld rather see BIS creating new content or improving their engine to the point old assets become obsolete.
  21. dunedain

    "Arma X Retail" and Steam?

    I don't think whatever BIS product retail key can be registered on Steam since their games don't use Steamworks.
  22. dunedain

    Arma2 RFT 1.60

  23. dunedain

    Non reflecting reflector sight sights in ARMA

    I too think it looks awful as it is now, even if it doesn't serve much purpose in a game I'ld like BIS to fix this.
  24. dunedain

    ARMA3 - A Slice of Fried Gold.

    Why would he be lying, I mean dude's just telling what he saw to his "friends" in his clan... Anyway, can't wait for sauce, it's been some time without real news.
  25. dunedain

    VOTE - "Most Anticipated Game 2012"

    A shame you can't pick at least three choices ... I mean I ofcourse picked Arma3. But Hitman Absolution, Command & Conquer: Generals 2 and Diablo III deserved my vote too.