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Everything posted by dikkeduif

  1. The strange thing is that the image of the 'bad' pressing of the arma 2 dvd works fine. Only when installing from the dvd it gives the bis.url error. It's also a bit suspicious that the OA dvd gives the same exact error as the ArmA 2 dvd. But here making an image of the dvd doesn't resolve anything. It might be that both the dvd's are corrupt anyway and that he was 'lucky' in making an image from the arma 2. We'll see if we can get a replacement from bis :) Thanks for the advice guys!
  2. Hey guys, A friend of mine has some problems installing ArmA 2 and OA. When he tries to install ArmA 2, he gets an error message saying "cannot create file: ...\bohemiainteractive\bis.url". He tried it a couple of times but failed each time. So the thing that came in mind was, bad dvd or dvd reader. So I asked him to create an image from the dvd with alcohol, and try to mount the iso and install it from there. This apparently worked. He also managed to update arma to 1.09. Now when he is trying to install OA he gets the same error, near the end of the installation saying that it cannot create the bis.url file. He tried the same solution that worked for ArmA 2, but this time both the iso file and the dvd don't install. I thought the .url file might get blocked by some anti spyware or virus program, but this is not the case. His virus software was disabled. He is using windows xp and managed to install both arma 2 and OA without problems earlier. The reason he uninstalled ArmA was because of the latest patch which seems to have caused his installation to go corrupt... Any help is appreciated!
  3. Well it seems you guys are serious about the take on helicopters game. Good luck with the project! It actually might be a fun game. If the technology finds its way into arma it would be great as well, so it sounds like a win win situation :) Nice one with the zombies btw :)
  4. That's what I was thinking as well. For a civilian sim this would be the absolute minimum. Just wondering what extra they can provide over fsx + addons. But it's probably too soon to judge. We'll have to wait and see what they come up with...
  5. Well I don't think the guys from pc gamer would mind a little joke. :) Besides the website is not available yet. And a domain costs like what, 12 dollars a year? :)
  6. Hopefully this is a joke for the 1st of april :) Why would they want to develop a helicopter game while we (flight simmers) already have fsx/fs2004 with an already huge mod/addons community, which probably has all the features this game will ever have... Smells like a joke :) But I also hope they announce something new and arma related or something :)
  7. Thanks jaynus. I remember seeing that link a while ago and I searched for it, but I couldn't locate the post with the big red letters :) > edit: actually i don't know how i missed it :o
  8. Hey guys, just wondering what the latest version is of acre? On dev heaven the latest version appears to be 1.1.1 but I found other links to version 1.2.5 on unitedoperations, with a separate ts client? Any news on this one?
  9. Thanks for the reply mandoble, it's not such a big problem really, people just have to get used to it :)
  10. Is there any way I can configure canLock = 0 in the script suite? I'm using domination with the mando script suite. I don't want our players to load a separate pbo file.
  11. hey, I was wondering, is protective gear enabled by default in some of the unit classes? Basically I just want to know if the Pilot, AT units in the US Army faction already have crewprotection enabled by default or if I have to enable it by doing [_unit, true] call ACE_fnc_setCrewProtection?
  12. Hi guys, I'm using the domination ace wounds 2.57 version and some of the guys that are playing are getting concussion effects (blurry vision, blackouts) when shooting AT. Also people who are flying the a10's and apache's are getting these effects together with g-forces, which is normal because of the crew protective gear in ace. So I was wondering, is protective gear enabled by default in some of the unit classes? Basically I just want to know if the Pilot, AT units in the US Army faction already have crewprotection enabled by default or if I have to enable it by doing [_unit, true] call ACE_fnc_setCrewProtection > Hmmm I realized that this is maybe more an ace question than a domination one :) I'll ask in the other forum
  13. dikkeduif

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Hey guys, I've added the ac130 to the new domination 2.57r, with ace 1.8 stable. This causes huge lag. I wonder if someone found a solution to get it to work with ace 1.8? What is the causing the problem?
  14. Hi guys, When starting the arma2oaserver on linux, it takes a long time for the server to come up (sometimes up to 10 minutes). No mods are being loaded. WATCHDOG (10599): [Mon Dec 13 23:49:00 CET 2010] Starting server (port 2302)... Item str_disp_server_control listed twice That's the only thing I see in the logs up until the point it starts. Any idea what might be causing this?
  15. Stevey, When you go to your folder of the mission you are editing, there should be another folder inside called scripts/heloGoTo. You will find the three files in that folder. Just overwrite them with the ones from the rar file.
  16. Ok I managed to fix it. Pilot no longer has to disembark and stuff. The chopper lands nicely. Basically I modified three files: Land_destination.sqf, RTB.sqf, Extraction_destination.sqf Instead of a doMove towards the target heliH I create a waypoint with a TR UNLOAD or LOAD action. When the chopper arrives I do a doStop heli and heli land "LAND" action. Anyway to make a long story short, just overwrite the above three files with the files from this rar file www.dikkeduif.be/arma2/heloGoTo_fix.rar
  17. Ok. I tried a couple of things in the script but doesn't seem to do much. Such a pain to get a helicopter to land... Hopefully norrin fixes it :)
  18. I have a problem with the script. The chopper initializes well, I'm able to set a destination via the map etc, but once the chopper is at the destination, the pilot jumps out and dies. Suddenly the dead pilot spawns back into his seat (but remains dead). The chopper keeps hovering, and when I give it the clear to takeoff command it just keeps hovering. I tried forcing a respawn of the chopper by shooting it down. I get a message saying that the chopper is respawning at base. So I decide to do some extraction, I click the map, and after a couple of seconds I get a message saying the chopper is down again. Now the chopper is one an open area, nothing to complicated, and I'm asking the chopper to land in a flat area as well. I first thought it might be related to the kind of chopper. I tried the Merlin chopper, and the UH60M, but with the same results. What is forcing the pilot to jump out of the chopper? Because it seems that's what causing the failure.
  19. Hey guys, I'm trying to detect a grenade within a trigger area. The thing I want to do is: * BLUFOR soldier throws a grenade (he's outside the trigger area) into the trigger area * The trigger detects this grenade and all OPFOR in this area play an animation The reason why I want to do this is because the ACE_Flashbang does not always trigger the 'stunned' animation of the AI's... How can I achieve this? Any help is appreciated
  20. Hmm well I can't seem to find any decent stun / knockback animation... I wanted to use the one from the ACE mod, but I can't figure out how this works...
  21. Just a question, where can I find more information about the wounding system in ace? More specifically how to trigger those animations like when a flashbang is being thrown?
  22. thanks a lot, works like a charm :) the spawn function did it!
  23. Well I managed to get the grenade object when it's being thrown with select 6. The problem is when I do _pos = getPos _grenade; it gives me the position at the beginning of the throw. I tried delaying the getPos function with while {alive _grenade} do { }; _pos = getPos _grenade; But by then the _grenade object doesn't exist anymore I think, so I can't get a position from an object which isn't there anymore. I tried the 'sleep' function, but it doesn't allow me to delay in my addEventHandler...
  24. Ok I kinda understand thanks :) But what do you mean in recent betas? Is _this select 6 not working in OA 1.54? > nm, I know what you mean, I checked the fire event in the wiki :)