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Everything posted by dbllcap

  1. arma2OA.exe throws a launch via steam or command line arma20a_BE.exe. I have the BE.EXE in a common. I added BE to end of the short cut. what am I doing wronghere? Novice Dad helping son live dads old OFP dayz...#fail. win 7 64 bit etc.http://bigboardgaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/be_arma_error.jpg (229 kB)
  2. dbllcap

    Mission requests and ideas

    Thanks sooo much. I think most of these will work mod free. I have OFP Gold and Resistance. Thanks again.
  3. dbllcap

    Mission requests and ideas

    This may be a long shot. However I was looking for somewhere to d.load some of the older CTF maps for OFP and OFP:R. I just found my old discs and was explaining to my kids how cool Lil Kug, drop zone etc was....sad.... I wanted to show them some of the awesome old community mods/missions. Best Kevin AKA HipsHot /dbllcap
  4. As you can see by the post count NOOOOOB!!!, but I'm 48 so be gentle. After reading a few getting started threads it appears technology has improved a lot since the days of mod installs for OFP! However I am at a loss with 'tools'. It appears for most I need to have a server id to 'add' then list mods to use. How do I know what servers have which mods - I cant seem to connect to many/any. I have gone back and patched ARMAII and OA up to current levels. Which mod manager is reccomended i.e. Yoma? Are their core mods required suggested? I find limiting mods in the past helped performance. I run an older quad cpu and 2x 4850s (ATI), I'll be the old twitchy guy with VOD set at 500. If any one can please show me a quick couple of links to the MP essentials I shall be on my way and working it out. I must say I really like the ARMAII, I was soooo desperate for a OFP fix when ARMA came out I was in Germany at the time and I bought the German version back with me. Suffice to say I had not touched it since. Everything looks and feels very good! Finally Is there a central repository of user generated mission content ?
  5. cool thx for the tip. so I can activate the mods in game and ignore the command edit, but still deal with the splashes. Thanks. ---------- Post added at 05:01 ---------- Previous post was at 04:40 ---------- hmm ok I have this error now https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/391301_323123494446892_2024238129_n.jpg ard.hpp fails. I assume I have over written my userconfig. Can I just swap my back up in? Which mod impacts that? ACE CBA CBA_A2\CBA_0A COWwarMod dayz JSRS1.4 If I remove one mod at a time will that allow me to resolve?
  6. I hate to be that guy... I get an error attempting to adjust the properties see image https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/532494_323043647788210_1763297915_n.jpg it wont let me add -nosplash nor the mod string. I recall from OFP days there was a simple fix for this...sigh. I reinstalled, and am putting the 1.6 patch on. Once I can add -nosplash I will add the other mods. I assume that mods dont 'clash'
  7. Thanks yes. Great help. I picked up ARMAII and OA. Hoping to sort some dollars for the other 2 primary extensions . I' ll drill thru your list drag out my old gaming keyboard get on it! thx again.