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Everything posted by da_ofp_man

  1. da_ofp_man

    Ever got angry on your pc?

    hehe funny
  2. da_ofp_man

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Nice screens ppl. Parvus what is that island?
  3. da_ofp_man

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    just some images:
  4. da_ofp_man

    Bas russian opfor vehicles

    cool downloading now!!
  5. da_ofp_man

    Btr-t released

    Hey PSC i'v seen you image at combat photography of the newest version the BTR-T pack with new turret (cool pic). I want to know if you are going to do BTR-T with its versions with all turrets???
  6. da_ofp_man

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    At last it seems to be working every thing well with my host OH-58 searching for tagets: found one! after sending the attack cordinats-AH-64A beginns attack the target terget destroyed hope you ppl can see now the images??!
  7. da_ofp_man

    Lwp mod

    So STGN how is the work going??
  8. da_ofp_man

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    yes Transfer przekroczony-means that transfer limit is exceededbut for me the pics are working i see them maybe something is wrong with your cpu i don't now But maybe i need to change my host do you ppl now some good free hosting service??????
  9. da_ofp_man

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    EDIT:pics not working.
  10. da_ofp_man

    Us rangers balance pack by orcs

    Here it is flashpoint.ru
  11. da_ofp_man

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    cool explosion effect Harnu !! BTW: who is using terrainhost is it still working because for me the page dosen't work??
  12. da_ofp_man

    Inquisitors new addon ?

    It's not mine I saw it at ofp.info.
  13. da_ofp_man

    UAZ 3741

    Well i have a good working UAZ 3741 -no CTD even with fdf mod.
  14. da_ofp_man

    Inquisitors new addon ?

    yep the pack isn't uploaded yet but seems that somebody has it already
  15. da_ofp_man

    Tears of the sun seals

    / BUMP / so Jackal are you still working on those jeeps or not??
  16. da_ofp_man

    Sea demon mig29 v2.02

    cool m8 looking forward to this great plane!!
  17. da_ofp_man

    Tears of the sun seals

    YEEEE man looking very good!!!All this new things you make look amaizing.But what happend to the older projects especially the new jeeps that you were maiking i was really looking to that ????
  18. da_ofp_man

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Those are BAS units MAARFY vehicles and MARINES PACK by Suchey and Earl.
  19. da_ofp_man

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    just some images >>>
  20. da_ofp_man

    Mapfact discussion thread

    Well good work you guys do there but i think the ofp needs more airport support bulidings because now we have so few of them.
  21. da_ofp_man

    American tanks

    As far as I know, the Iraqis only bought 50 examples of the T-72 from Russia. According to the import list I have, these are simply listed as T-72 (though commonly taken to be T-72M1, these are quite likely just the basic version [no T-72M1 series armour expansion], since all the info I have shows they have the development era 125mm gun). Given that Iraq supposedly had about 700 all told, nearly all of them would be Asad Babyl. Are you sure you're looking at projectile stats? BM-44 is the entire assembly (including propellant). . . the BM-44 assembly uses the BM-42 projectile, and that's not the newest round. . . the BM-42M is, and it is capable of at least 100mm more than that at 2000m. Well i know  about similaritys of BM-42 and BM-44. The BM-44 was built for the T-64,-70,-80,-90 tanks family so it must had used some solution from BM-42 because its qualified by the size of the auto-loader in those tanks. And also i sad that the performance of that ammo is higly depends of witch barrel  is it fired so in the newest t-90 with 2A46M-4 barrel this ammo could have 600\2000meters penetration as you say Przezdzieblo.  And about the t-72 of Iraq it is formaly now that the Iraq imported a lot t-72 from Warsaw pact countries because ther  industry was charged with other projects so thats way they imported so much tanks. And one more thing Sigma in the new tank pack for RHS what ammo is going to be the killer of tanks are you going to this role apply 9M119M??because now in yours t-90 t-80 packs this ATGM has to littel "fire power"
  22. da_ofp_man

    American tanks

    finally i found some infos about BM-44 weight 7,05kg weight of root 4,85kg escape velocity 1700 (m/s) max pressure in barrel 490 (MPa) and the penetration at 2000 meters is 540 mm RHA and it depends on the barre that is fired from in the newest variants of RAPIRA the penetration is bigger.And i think that this newest Russian ammo could fit better to new Sigmas Russian tanks.
  23. da_ofp_man

    American tanks

    Well the raports say that was 3 AT mines put one on the other or something like Palestynian FUGAS that killed the M1 BTW Sigma in the pack of your new tanks the Abrams has an M829E3 and the Russian tanks as the best ammo use the BM-32 and BM-42.So why you can't do the same thing as in Abrams give the T-80,-90 the new Russian ammo wich is now in the testing stage BM-44 Could you do this because this would be a very god opositor for the M829E3.
  24. da_ofp_man

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    nice pics Burns and Parvus from well the hell did you get those CC bmp and troops
  25. da_ofp_man

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    Nice getting better every day this project is