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  1. Anyone know of a loot spawning system that uses containers to hold loot instead of placing loot on the ground? I've been using SCCloot but it's container system doesn't really autopopulate containers in buildings and is based on you assigning variables to containers and then listing the variables in a container array. Basically looking for something similar to how the ravage mod handles loot but I don't want to use a mod due to dependencies and it just addes a lot of features I do not want. Any info would be appreciated!
  2. Diminimus

    [Released] House Prefabs

    I've tried some other loot spawning scripts before and had consistent problems with items falling through the floor or being obscured. Has this been am issue for you woth any items or buildings? Would the be a way to use a container based system to hold onto the items and then the players loot the containers?
  3. Diminimus

    [Release] SCCLoot

    Background: I've Got the loot system setup and figured out how to edit building spawn points the arrays. However, I'm having trouble with certain items falling into the floor and becoming un-lootable or hidden from the players. I've tried changing the x,y,z position of where the loot spawns but that still doesn't seem to make all the items stay above the floor level. Question: would it be possible to spawn containers in The building that hold the items? Similar to how the ravage mod spawns objects you interact with, rather then spawning the loot itself on the ground. I have read the Readme on containers but it seems to be variable name based and would require me to manually place the container. Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance.