Hi, I'm encountering a really weird issue when trying to make a modified version of a pre-existing weapon.
TLDR; fire mode is broken (trying to change puts the weapon on my back, and no white bars indicating which mode), infinite ammo, and the OPTRE ammo counter breaks.
This is a video with the weapon in question.
class twelfth_MA37K: OPTRE_MA37K {
author = "Waylen";
scope = 2;
scopeArsenal = 2;
canShootInWater = 1;
mass = 30;
displayName = "[12th] MA37K Carbine";
baseWeapon = "twelfth_MA37K";
magazines[] = COMMON_MA5C_MAGAZINES;
class WeaponSlotsInfo: WeaponSlotsInfo {
mass = 30;
class MuzzleSlot: MuzzleSlot {
compatibleitems[] = { "OPTRE_MA37KSuppressor" };
class CowsSlot: CowsSlot {};
class PointerSlot: PointerSlot {
compatibleitems[] = COMMON_SIGHTS;
class UnderBarrelSlot: UnderBarrelSlot {
compatibleitems[] = {};
I've had reports as well that apparently this exact same issue is appearing on other weapons as well, but I've personally not experienced it on my game.
FWIW, COMMON_SIGHTS and COMMON_MA5C_MAGAZINES are essentially just long arrays of magazines/sights defined like such;
#define SOME_MACRO { "some class name", "bla bla" }
Found solution;
The circled classes need to not be in CfgWeapons.