if (isServer) then {
//Diary picture
this setVariable ["RscAttributeDiaryRecord_texture","a3\structures_f_epc\Items\Documents\Data\document_secret_01_co.paa", true];
//Diary heading and text
[this,"RscAttributeDiaryRecord",["PDA#","PDA words",""]] call BIS_fnc_setServerVariable;
//Diary entry transmitted too when picked up.. follows BIS_fnc_MP rules
this setVariable ["recipients", [west], true];
//Sides that can interact with intelObject
this setVariable ["RscAttributeOwners", [west], true];
if ( hasInterface ) then {
this addAction [
"Pick PDA", // custom addAction title
{ [_this, "action"] spawn BIS_fnc_initIntelObject,
_null= []ExecVM("playintel.sqf");},
"isPlayer _this && { _this distance _target < 2 } &&
{ (side group _this) in (_target getVariable ['RscAttributeOwners', [west]]) }"
play intel.sqf is
_soundslist= ["intel1",250];
_sound= (_soundslist select 0);
_soundlength= (_soundslist select 1);
_unit =_this select 0; // the object that addaction is attach to
_caller = _this select 1; // the unit that used the addaction
_action = _this select 2; // the ID of th action
[_caller,[_sound, 100, 1]]remoteExec ["say3D"];
what I'm guess is, I'm not using the right command in the script to call this sqf and get the intel at the same time?