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Paz Dim

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About Paz Dim

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  1. Paz Dim

    HOTAS and rudder pedals implementation

    Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\.save\<User_profile>\settings\InputUserSettings.conf
  2. Paz Dim

    HOTAS and rudder pedals implementation

    @dkj8700 @billt316 @Gruman and everyone who waits for joystick support! Game actually supports joystick! I found this wiki page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Input_Manager This is totally outdated, at least because there is no chimeraInputCommon.conf file. But I found InputUserSettings.conf. It contains all non-default control settings. I started from Prone action and was able to bind my joystick's key, it worked. Then I binded one of my axis (Roll :() to helicopter's Yaw by this config: Action AntiTorque { InputSource InputSourceSum "{62788C2CA0DA9609}" { Sources { InputSourceValue "{62788C2CA0DA90BF}" { FilterPreset "left" Input "keyboard:KC_Q" Filter InputFilterValue "{62788C2CA0DA90C2}" { Multiplier -1 } } InputSourceValue "{62788D0FED49776E}" { FilterPreset "right" Input "keyboard:KC_E" } InputSourceValue "{62788123ED49776E}" { Input "joystick0:axis0" } } } } As you can see, it has default Q and E keys (yes only one action for axis, one key with negative multiplier) and my added joystick0:axis0. It worked - I was able to control my helicopter's yaw by joystick! Value 62788123ED49776E - I don't know what is that, it should just be unique I guess. Will continue investigation and create configs for all binds (axis and other buttons), I want to fly with my joystick :). It is sad, but Collective is controlled by buttons, not axis. I mean, it doesn't use absolute axis value. But it is better then nothing, will try. ... Update Here is my current config for Logitech Extreme 3D Pro: I configured Roll, Pitch, Yaw, Collective axes and buttons for Engine and Autohover.
  3. Paz Dim

    HOTAS and rudder pedals implementation

    BIS! What is wrong with you??? Now is september 2024! And I still cannot bind my joystick in game! In ARMA! Game which had Helicopters DLC and advanced flight model! Ok, developing curves interface is too hard, but why don't you just allow me to bind joystick to XBOX controller's axis? I can't fly :(