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Nick Gotvyak

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About Nick Gotvyak

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  1. So, lately I've been trying to make NPCs "forward" their radio communications to player object, so later I can extend it to High Command module. I've tried many methods, of which the only semi-functional was by catching some events like commandChanged, enemyDetected etc. After some time I stumbled upon kbTtellLocal, which fires a scripted event on this line: [missionnamespace,"BIS_fnc_kbTellLocal_played",[_from,_to,_sentence,_channel],true] call bis_fnc_callScriptedEventHandler; Here is the code that tried subscribing to it in init.sqf. Unfortunatelly, it doesn't work even in cases when player is in the channel, to which initial sentence was intended [missionNamespace, "BIS_fnc_kbTellLocal_played", { params ["_from", "_to", "_sentence", "_channel"]; systemChat "Code ran!"; }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; Am I misunderstanding something about kbTell, handlers or Converstations in general?