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Posts posted by Gnudoctor

  1. @Janez filters are no solution to any problem. Measures against missbehaviour are ending very quickly. I am asking for a new mechanic taking the fun out of trolling. 

    What takes the fun out of stealing is being arrested.
    What takes the fun out of abusing mechanics is to change mechanics or being banned completely. 

    Dirty lundry only gets clean after some actions. Devs want to know if there are game breaking problems.  

  2. today someone told me you can set the gearbox to manual on gameplay in the menu - then you dont need to broken gear assist. US vehicles are automatic accept the trucks. Soviet you have to switch gears but after 1-2 hours with this i felt that my accelleration improved a lot by this. 

  3. I agree partly. Continously using swearwords on people - especially broadly accepted racists ones should automatically trigger a ban.
    The vote kick process is flawed. Once there is more than one process open it requires the voters to open the player-list (atleast on pc). 
    As he knows he is being voted he stats random votes - which should also result in a autoban. 
    He uses game mechanic to troll people trying to play the game. 
    I have not mentioned the on purpuse teamkilling at the beginnen of the round or dismantaling of the radio tower on the main operation base. 
    There are many mechanics not troll prove yet. I hope we will have this.

  4. Hi! I have recently played some hours on US Server Everon Campaigns. There is one player ruining it for me and many others: 



    War ON njqrs: Mecury mal needs to stop projecting
    Mercurial Mal: Itll be okay, little guy.
    War ON njqrs: ltll be ok nXXXXX




    Gnudoctor: stop destroying the radio tower in levie
    War ON njqr: Shut up retard





    Worst is he keeps saying the N word.
    Second Worst he keeps dismanteling radio towers so his side keeps losing games. 

    I first of all like you to add a process banning people for the N word.

    Second: Please ban people who disable radio towers

    Third: Please change the ban vote process. He keeps spamming the votes by voting for everyone on the match. One should get banned himself after starting 3+ votes on random people. 
