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Victor G Vilar

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About Victor G Vilar

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  1. Victor G Vilar

    Spawning randomly playable units

    Ok, I was testing all the time in editor not the server... I thought it could run without using a server but as you say this must be the problem, just an AI player. Thanks both, your answers helped me
  2. Victor G Vilar

    Spawning randomly playable units

    Thanks both. The code I posted it's included in the initPlayerLocal. And it works in the current player (it appears in different markers each time the mission begins) but not the playable ones. I want each player in different places not together. The other alternative in the link I posted before is a init.sqf file, yes (below) but it doesn't work either. In fact it's worst since the current player appears in the lower left corner of the map and the other one still is in the init location without placing it in any marker position: if (hasInterface) then { _spawn_pos = ["marker1", "marker2", "marker3", "marker4", "marker5", "marker6", "marker7", "marker8", "marker9", "marker10"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; waitUntil {!isnull player}; player setPos (getMarkerPos _spawn_pos); };
  3. Super newbie here, sorry. I've been searching but no luck. I tried this script where I see how to randomly spawn the player https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/188007-random-player-spawn/ _spawn_pos = ["marker1", "marker2", "marker3", "marker4", "marker5", "marker6", "marker7", "marker8", "marker9", "marker10"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; waitUntil {!isnull player}; player setPos (getMarkerPos _spawn_pos); But the same script doesn't work with other playable units because instead 'player' might be another name, I guess, but I don't know what. Those playable units remain where I placed them in the editor. Any idea? Thanks