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miso z

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  1. miso z

    [Info] Creating Map Markers

    Im not sure if we got already other solution. In Arma 3 was same problem with map markers. One my old never finished ww2 project , i spend over 1000 markers to bring trench network on map ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ˜„
  2. miso z

    [Info] Creating Map Markers

    Stupid but quick idea ๐Ÿ™‚ make 20 diferent markers and place them to circle formation. They will change itself size but they will stay on position, so area will be visible on any zoom level ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. SOLVED, gamemode files redownload from developer files, everything works again ๐Ÿ™‚ .
  4. Hi guys, i am reworking from ground combat ops everon scenario. After today experimental update in mission editor(workbench), i cannot spawn player, have no loading/spawn screen, i cannot spawn any character via game master. can anybody explain, what should i add, / rework., maybe I missing some newly added "game/faction manager"? In standard reforger tools is scenario working without problems. Thx for help
  5. @Blackheart_Six, workbench is great, i love it too. Whole idea of compatible and universal modules is amazing, it cannot be compared with EDEN, its definitely new era and big progress. idea to give players tools for creating scenarios without extrem amouth of external scripting is just amazing. Becasue in EDEN it was always the same, i got some idea, EDEN is not capable doing it, lets write script for it, so i spend next 2 weeks creating, testing and 20x improving or sometimes rewriting whole script from zero, because in middle of proces you find better solution how to do it. ๐Ÿ˜„ im pretty sure you know what im talking about ๐Ÿ˜„ QRFdispacher looks really simple to use and usefull feature, just great idea. With AI able to use vehicles, it will bring lot of amazing and variable situations in scenarios to simulate reinforecemnts for ambushed checkpoints and convoys. Yeah, pls continue with your videos, you make great job ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. hi, i finaly step from arma 3 to reforger. thx for yours tutorials, you are making really great work. New workbench system, i like it, but in begining is really confusing for EDEN users. ๐Ÿ™‚ after many years in Arma2/Arma3 and literally thousands of hours , experimenting, googling, browsing forums,youtube, reverseengeneering... i was able to write my own scripts in arma 3 for almost everything what i need for my scenarios. Now, im on level zero again, new engine, new workbench, new programming language ๐Ÿ˜„ so really thx for your tutorials, it make my life easier ๐Ÿ˜„ I love idea of new guerilla combat ops in experimental, i got lot of ideas how to improve it. Im sure that developers working on it and they will bring lot of same staff in future, but i like to create my own content. first ideas, i want add some random patrols, but i need them to respawn after killing them. After finishing some missions will appear checkpoints to blocking roads as enemy reaction on guerilla operations, repopulating enemy bases after attack. simulation of calling enemy reinforcements after attacking some outpost. Player is more forced to use hit and run tactics, make short contact, steal some resources or fuel and dissapear, because enemy will alerted in area and they will send some massive force to stop guerilla activity in area. After some time in game, Patrols will retreat on main enemy base and deleted. later again respawned when needed. But for this idea i need to learn how to respawn AI units. my question: is it already possible doing AI respawn in workbench witout using external scripts? maybe will you explain this feature in your future videos? i found modul AIspawnergroup, but i dont know how to connect this modul with scenarioframework, how to add waypoints to respawned group. thx EDIT: i just examined CombatOps files and found interessting modul. QRF spawn can make part of job. im gonna make some test and try how it work.