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About magnussenmalte

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  1. magnussenmalte


    If you win a sector, no own people will spawn to defend the sector??
  2. magnussenmalte


    Thanks for the info, I couldn't get it to work with the spoiler, the code is totally mixed up and everything is squeezed close together
  3. magnussenmalte


    Hallo, ich erstelle gerade eine Warlord-Mission. Bisher funktionieren alle Assets, solange Sie die OFPOR-Fraktion spielen, auch die NATO-Fraktion. Ich habe die Assets kopiert und unten eingefügt, sie in OFPOR, auch EAST, geändert und die entsprechenden Fahrzeuge eingefügt und so weiter. Es funktioniert nur für die WEST-Fraktion und nicht für die Ost-Fraktion. Was mache ich falsch?class Params { class BIS_WLStartingDaytime { title = "$STR_A3_combatpatrol_params_1"; class Params { class BIS_WLStartingDaytime { title = "$STR_A3_combatpatrol_params_1"; values[] = { 100, -6, 0, 6, -12 }; texts[] = { $STR_A3_WL_param37_value1, $STR_A3_combatpatrol_params_3, $STR_A3_MP_COOP_m03_noon, $STR_A3_MP_COOP_m03_evening, $STR_A3_combatpatrol_params_6 }; default = 100; }; class BIS_WLTimeAcceleration { title = "$STR_A3_WL_param2_title"; values[] = { 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 }; texts[] = { $STR_special_none, "x2", "x4", "x6", "x8", "x10", "x12", "x14", "x16", "x18", "x20", "x22", "x24" }; default = 1; }; class BIS_WLProgress { title = "$STR_A3_WL_param1_title"; values[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 }; texts[] = { $STR_special_none, $STR_A3_WL_forcedProgress_perc_1, $STR_A3_WL_forcedProgress_perc_2, $STR_A3_WL_forcedProgress_perc_3, $STR_A3_WL_forcedProgress_perc_4, $STR_A3_WL_forcedProgress_perc_5, $STR_A3_WL_forcedProgress_perc_6, $STR_A3_WL_forcedProgress_perc_7, $STR_A3_WL_forcedProgress_perc_8, $STR_A3_WL_forcedProgress_perc_9, $STR_A3_WL_forcedProgress_perc_10, $STR_A3_WL_forcedProgress_perc_11, $STR_A3_WL_forcedProgress_perc_12 }; default = 1; }; class BIS_WLFTEnabled { title = "$STR_A3_fastravel1"; values[] = {1, 0, 2, 3, 4}; texts[] = { $STR_A3_WL_param3_value1, $STR_A3_WL_param3_value2, $STR_A3_WL_param3_value3, $STR_A3_WL_param3_value4, $STR_A3_WL_param3_value5 }; default = 1; }; class BIS_WLScanEnabled { title = "$STR_A3_WL_param4_title"; values[] = { 1, 0 }; texts[] = { $STR_DISP_OPT_ENABLED, $STR_DISP_OPT_DISABLED }; default = 1; }; class BIS_WLVotingResetEnabled { title = "$STR_A3_WL_menu_resetvoting"; values[] = { 1, 0 }; texts[] = { $STR_DISP_OPT_ENABLED, $STR_DISP_OPT_DISABLED }; default = 1; }; class BIS_WLAIVoting { title = "$STR_A3_WL_param5_title"; values[] = { 1, 0 }; texts[] = { $STR_DISP_OPT_ENABLED, $STR_DISP_OPT_DISABLED }; default = 0; }; class BIS_WLArsenalEnabled { title = "$STR_A3_Arsenal"; values[] = { 1, 0 }; texts[] = { $STR_DISP_OPT_ENABLED, $STR_DISP_OPT_DISABLED }; default = 1; }; class BIS_WLMarkersTransparency { title = "$STR_A3_WL_param7_title"; values[] = { 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 }; texts[] = { $STR_A3_WL_param7_value1, $STR_A3_WL_markerAlpha_perc_1, $STR_A3_WL_markerAlpha_perc_2, $STR_A3_WL_markerAlpha_perc_3, $STR_A3_WL_param7_value2 }; default = 2; }; class BIS_WLPlayersTransparency { title = "$STR_A3_WL_param8_title"; values[] = { 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 }; texts[] = { $STR_A3_WL_param7_value1, $STR_A3_WL_markerAlpha_perc_1, $STR_A3_WL_markerAlpha_perc_2, $STR_A3_WL_markerAlpha_perc_3, $STR_A3_WL_param7_value2 }; default = 2; }; class BIS_WLFatigueEnabled { title = "$STR_A3_fatigue1"; values[] = { 1, 0 }; texts[] = { $STR_DISP_OPT_ENABLED, $STR_DISP_OPT_DISABLED }; default = 1; }; class BIS_WLMusic { title = "$STR_A3_rscattributemusic_title"; values[] = { 1, 0 }; texts[] = { $STR_DISP_OPT_ENABLED, $STR_DISP_OPT_DISABLED }; default = 1; }; class BIS_WLVoice { title = "$STR_A3_orange_faction_idap_cfgidentities_expo_name"; values[] = { 1, 0 }; texts[] = { $STR_DISP_OPT_ENABLED, $STR_DISP_OPT_DISABLED }; default = 1; }; class BIS_WLStartCP { title = "$STR_A3_WL_param12_title"; values[] = { 0, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000 }; texts[] = { "0", "100", "250", "500", "1000", "2500", "5000" }; default = 500; }; class BIS_WLCPMultiplier { title = "$STR_A3_WL_param13_title"; values[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; texts[] = { "1x", "2x", "3x", "4x", "5x" }; default = 1; }; class BIS_WLVotingTimeout { title = "$STR_A3_WL_param14_title"; values[] = { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 }; texts[] = { "5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30" }; default = 15; }; class BIS_WLVehicleSpan { title = "$STR_A3_WL_param15_title"; values[] = { 900, 1800, 3600, 5400, 7200, 1000000 }; texts[] = { "15", "30", "60", "90", "120", $STR_A3_WL_param15_value1 }; default = 3600; }; }; class CfgWLRequisitionPresets { class MyWLAssetList // --- class name used in the Init module { class WEST // --- assets available for BLUFOR { class Infantry { class rhsusf_army_ucp_rifleman_101st // --- must be asset class name { cost = 100; // --- Command Points required requirements[] = {}; // --- dispositions required ("A" = airstrip, "H" = helipad, "W" = water (harbor)) }; class rhsusf_army_ucp_grenadier // --- must be asset class name { cost = 120; // --- Command Points required requirements[] = {}; // --- dispositions required ("A" = airstrip, "H" = helipad, "W" = water (harbor)) }; class rhsusf_army_ucp_autorifleman // --- must be asset class name { cost = 150; // --- Command Points required requirements[] = {}; // --- dispositions required ("A" = airstrip, "H" = helipad, "W" = water (harbor)) }; class rhsusf_army_ucp_marksman // --- must be asset class name { cost = 160; // --- Command Points required requirements[] = {}; // --- dispositions required ("A" = airstrip, "H" = helipad, "W" = water (harbor)) }; class rhsusf_army_ucp_maaws // --- must be asset class name { cost = 200; // --- Command Points required requirements[] = {}; // --- dispositions required ("A" = airstrip, "H" = helipad, "W" = water (harbor)) }; }; class Vehicles { class B_Quadbike_01_F { cost = 50; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhsusf_m1025_w { cost = 500; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhsusf_m1025_w_mk19 { cost = 1200; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhsusf_M1083A1P2_wd_fmtv_usarmy { cost = 1600; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhsusf_m977a4_AMMO_usarmy_wd { cost = 2500; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhs_m2a2_wd { cost = 3600; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhsusf_m1a2sep2wd_usarmy { cost = 6400; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhs_M119_wd { cost = 9500; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhsusf_m1a2sep2wd_usarmy { cost = 6400; requirements[] = {}; }; }; class Aircraft { class B_UAV_02_dynamicLoadout_F { cost = 4500; requirements[] = { "A" }; }; class RHS_UH60M2 { cost = 8000; requirements[] = { "A" }; }; class RHS_AH64D_wd { cost = 13000; requirements[] = { "A" }; }; class RHS_A10 { cost = 15000; requirements[] = { "A" }; }; class rhsgref_cdf_b_mig29s { cost = 18000; requirements[] = { "A" }; }; }; class Naval { class O_Boat_Armed_01_hmg_F { cost = 500; requirements[] = { "W" }; }; }; class Gear { class Box_NATO_Ammo_F { cost = 200; requirements[] = {}; }; }; class Defences { class B_Radar_system_01_F { cost = 1000; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class RHS_M2StaticMG_WD { cost = 350; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class RHS_TOW_Tripod_WD { cost = 450; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class RHS_MK19_Tripod_WD { cost = 1000; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class RHS_M252_WD { cost = 1800; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class rhsgref_ins_ZU23 { cost = 1500; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class B_HMG_01_F { cost = 400; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class Fort_Razorwire { cost = 50; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class Hedgehog_EP1 { cost = 60; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class Land_Hbarrier_01_big_4_green_F { cost = 70; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class Land_HBarrier_01_big_tower_green_F { cost = 100; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class Land_fs_feed_F { cost = 800; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class Box_NATO_AmmoVeh_F { cost = 1000; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; }; }; class EAST // --- assets available for OPFOR { { class Infantry { class rhs_msv_emr_rifleman // --- must be asset class name { cost = 100; // --- Command Points required requirements[] = {}; // --- dispositions required ("A" = airstrip, "H" = helipad, "W" = water (harbor)) }; classrhs_msv_emr_efreitor // --- must be asset class name { cost = 120; // --- Command Points required requirements[] = {}; // --- dispositions required ("A" = airstrip, "H" = helipad, "W" = water (harbor)) }; class rhs_vdv_arifleman // --- must be asset class name { cost = 150; // --- Command Points required requirements[] = {}; // --- dispositions required ("A" = airstrip, "H" = helipad, "W" = water (harbor)) }; class rhs_vdv_marksman // --- must be asset class name { cost = 160; // --- Command Points required requirements[] = {}; // --- dispositions required ("A" = airstrip, "H" = helipad, "W" = water (harbor)) }; class rhs_vdv_grenadier // --- must be asset class name { cost = 200; // --- Command Points required requirements[] = {}; // --- dispositions required ("A" = airstrip, "H" = helipad, "W" = water (harbor)) }; }; class Vehicles { class B_Quadbike_01_F { cost = 50; requirements[] = {}; }; class RHS_UAZ_MSV_01 { cost = 300; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhs_tigr_msv { cost = 500; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhs_tigr_sts_msv { cost = 1200; requirements[] = {}; }; class RHS_Ural_Flat_MSV_01 { cost = 1600; requirements[] = {}; }; class RHS_Ural_Ammo_MSV_01 { cost = 2500; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhs_ob_681_2 { cost = 3600; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhs_t80bvk { cost = 5000; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhs_t14_tv { cost = 7000; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhs_D30_msv { cost = 9500; requirements[] = {}; }; }; class Aircraft { D_UAV_02_dynamicLoadout_F { cost = 4500; requirements[] = { "A" }; }; class RHS_mi8T_vvsc { cost = 8000; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhs_mi28n_vvsc { cost = 13000; requirements[] = {}; }; class RHS_Su25SM_vvsc { cost = 15000; requirements[] = {}; }; class rhs_mig29s_vvsc { cost = 18000; requirements[] = {}; }; }; class Naval { class O_Boat_Armed_01_hmg_F { cost = 500; requirements[] = { "W" }; }; }; class Gear { class Box_NATO_Ammo_F { cost = 200; requirements[] = {}; }; }; class Defences { class D_Radar_system_02_F { cost = 1000; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class rhs_KORD_high_MSV { cost = 350; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class rhs_Kornet_9M133_2_msv { cost = 450; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class RHS_AGS30_TriPod_MSV { cost = 1000; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class rhs_2b14_82mm_msv { cost = 1800; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class RHS_ZU23_MSV { cost = 1500; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class B_HMG_01_F { cost = 400; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class Fort_Razorwire { cost = 50; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class Hedgehog_EP1 { cost = 60; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class Land_Hbarrier_01_big_4_green_F { cost = 70; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class Land_HBarrier_01_big_tower_green_F { cost = 100; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class Land_fs_feed_F { cost = 800; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; class Box_East_AmmoVeh_F { cost = 1000; requirements[] = {}; offset[] = { 0, 5.3, 0 }; // --- custom offset (optional) }; }; };
  4. magnussenmalte

    How can i use my asset list on Warlords?

    das hilft mir nicht weiter
  5. magnussenmalte

    can no longer play server

    I can no longer play on my favorite server: Community Base Addon updated in the workshop today and since then I can no longer play on the server. What can I do ? I deleted the mod and reloaded it, it didn't help.