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Everything posted by TAXSET

  1. Hello, I am trying to remove a specific action from a given unit, however, I after 3 hours I still haven't got it to work. I am trying to remove the ACE_ApplyHandcuffs action with this: [ testArrestUnit, 1, ["ACE_MainActions", "ApplyHandcuffs"] ] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_removeActionFromObject; Path to ACE_ApplyHandcuffs action config: configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "CAManBase" >> "ACE_Actions" >> "ACE_ApplyHandcuffs"
  2. I'll do that, tanks for your help
  3. Yeah, I've tried both 0 and 1 pretty much everytime just to make sure, still no luck. My guess is that the the full path of the action is just wrong, but I have no idea what that would look like (there are also no examples in the ACE doc).
  4. OP with issue ("fix" found below) Hi @Larrow, I've been using your script for quite a bit with a scenario I'm working on but have now hit a wall: When creating a composition with a unit that has customized loadout / inventory, spawning the composition triggers a "bad vehicle" error. I've also found the post where you said you fixed a similar (or even the exact same) issue back in 2017, but it seems the fix has been broken now. Update 2023-09-09 - Potential fix: Sorry, please disregard the code below. It turns out that as soon as the _loadout array is shorter than usual, the bad vehicle type error will no longer occur. However, the loadout will also not be applied at all. So I think I have found a "solution" (it's actually more of a workaround rn). Doing this will cause the script to set all slots correctly EXCEPT THE BINOCULARS. If that's irrelevant to you, here's what you can do: 1. Go to "LARs/spawnComp/functions/fn_getUnitInventory.sqf" and find this line: private _nul = _loadout pushBack ( "binocular" call _fnc_getWeaponDetails ); 2. Change it to this (comment it out): //private _nul = _loadout pushBack ( "binocular" call _fnc_getWeaponDetails ); 3. Save the changes and you're all set. Just a heads-up, though: This isn't a perfect fix. As mentioned before, your units won't have their "Binoculars" slot set as in the collection, but if that's not a big deal for you, it should work. I haven't tested this change thoroughly, so I can't be certain if it might cause any other issues.