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About n0p

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  1. n0p

    game stuck as a minimized tab

    Had the same issue, which was caused when I changed to a Windowed from Borderless (full) screen. The -profile parameter worked. I messed with it a little more and figured it out. Once the game starts, even though it's minimized, you can surf the menu with your keyboard. So, hit space bar, press the down key once, and right key twice. That should highlight the Settings tile. You can verify by peaking at the minimized UI by hitting either Alt + Tab or Windows Key + Tab. Once there, hit enter to go to the Settings screen. Next, hit the down key twice and that should put you at the option to change between BORDERLESS or WINDOWED. Hit left or right key to change the current option. That should temporarily fix the issue, but will reoccur at the next restart. For some reason the setting doesn't save permanently. To make it permanent, leave the game running and Alt + Tab out, or hit the Window key and open up Powershell. Lastly, kill the two ArmaReforger processes (vs. gracefully exiting) with the following command: Get-Process -Name "*armareforger*" | Stop-Process -Force From there, it should be fixed.