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Everything posted by Cruiser1092

  1. Hello guys. Would there be a way to insert a blackboard on which you can write a SITREP while carrying out the mission? like a blackboard with persistence that is updated by the players every time they progress through the campaign. Maybe there was something similar in the ALIVE mod.
  2. Greetings! How can I create a multiplayer-compatible in-game Light Switch that allows me to turn specific lights on and off using the addaction command? For example: in a room with lights (light1,light2) I would like to place a Land transfer switch that allows me to turn light1 and light 2 on and off with an addaction command on it
  3. Cruiser1092

    Light Switch

    Fantastic guys! works great! You are wonderful!😍
  4. Cruiser1092

    Light Switch

    Thanks for the reply! I tried to use this code (written below) to do what I would like. The script works. You turn the lights on and off using the "addaction" command on the power switch, only it only works once for both actions. I wish it could be done whenever I need it. But I'm stuck and I don't know how to make the action happen again. call{[this, "turn off", "", "", "true", "true", {(_this select 0) animateSource ["switchposition",0,1];}, {}, {{ _x setdamage 0.97;} forEach [lamp_a001,lamp_a002,lamp_a003]; (_this select 0) setObjectTextureGlobal [1,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1,ca)"];}, {(_this select 0) animateSource ["switchposition",1,1]; { _x setdamage 0;} forEach [lamp_a001,lamp_a002,lamp_a003];}, [], 2, nil, true, false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;} call{[this, "turn on", "", "", "true", "true", {(_this select 0) animateSource ["switchposition",1,1];}, {}, {{ _x setdamage 0.0;} forEach [lamp_a001,lamp_a002,lamp_a003]; (_this select 0) setObjectTextureGlobal [1,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1,ca)"];}, {(_this select 0) animateSource ["switchposition",0,1]; { _x setdamage 0;} forEach [lamp_a001,lamp_a002,lamp_a003];}, [], 2, nil, true, false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;}
  5. Hi, I need a hand. I would like to understand how to set a trigger that deletes all vehicles that are inside it. But I would like this trigger to cancel on command using the scroll menu while interacting with a physical object like an information sign.
  6. hi thanks for the reply! Look I'm using the wonderful "ASOR Vehicle Selector" script of "null" to spawn vehicles at a certain location. I would simply like to add an additional command in the scroll menu of the object on which I have placed the interaction that allows me to delete any vehicle that parks inside the marker\zone. The script is this:
  7. Cruiser1092

    Mine Detector vanilla doesn't work

    ok, I solved it. it was another mod that conflicted with the metal detector! it was the mod by webKnight, "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2572487482&searchtext=web". Thanks to all by the way.
  8. Hello lads. The boys and I have had a problem with the vanilla mine detector for some time now. For some reason even if inserted into the equipment, it doesn't want to work. What could it be? Could it be that it conflicts with some mod? or is there some button or setting to change in the editor or addon settings?
  9. Cruiser1092

    Mine Detector vanilla doesn't work

    Would there be a way to know which mod conflicts? Do you think there could be any?
  10. Cruiser1092

    Mine Detector vanilla doesn't work

    Thanks for the reply. Even when I tried to open the mine detector interface, it couldn't detect IEDs or explosives in general. Could it be some kind of bug due to ace arsenal? because when I load my setup, a popup comes out and tells me "no virtual objects available".
  11. Hi, I would like to create a script that allows me to transport a stretcher with 2 people, one in front and one in back. Any movement is controlled by the front-line player and I would like the stretcher and the rear player both be connected to the front player with attachTo. Could anyone help me? like this video:
  12. Cruiser1092

    Carrier stretcher

    my intent would have been to load an unconscious player onto the stretcher to transport him away from the AO area or by helicopter. In fact, in this regard, I don't know whether to use the KAT Medical mod stretcher or the UH-64 HATCHET mod stretcher.
  13. Cruiser1092

    Carrier stretcher

    i work on this: removeallweapons beb; removeallweapons bab; player action ["Switchweapon",player,player,99]; s attachto [bab,[0,-1.1,-0.1],"pelvis"]; beb switchMove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon"; beb attachTo [s,[0,0.1,0.05]]; player attachTo [bab,[0,-2.3,0]]; bab playAction "StretchLiftFrontLoop"; player playAction "StretchLiftBackLoop"; [{player playMoveNow (animationState bab);}, 0, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; but I can't make them move and they don't take the right animation. Then this thing happens only when the script is activated from the command console. I would like to create a situation in which the patient is placed on the stretcher and through an interaction on it, he waits for another player who is available to carry it. Whoever is ahead leads
  14. Cruiser1092

    Carrier stretcher

    Greetings! thanks for the replies. Maybe I explained myself badly, English is unfortunately not my native language. I'm not trying to create a vehicle, I'm trying to create an animation that allows me to carry the stretcher together with another player. so to lift her up, the script waits for the help of another player who allows it to do the animation in the video above and then take away the stretcher with the patient on it. Maybe I could try using the "attachTo" function . But not being very familiar with writing scripts, I was asking for a hand from you who are certainly better than me xD
  15. Cruiser1092

    Carrier stretcher

    ops! i'm sorry!
  16. Cruiser1092

    Carrier stretcher

  17. Hi, I'm trying to create a killer trigger that activates via "radio" button, work in multiplayer. What I try to do is kill all players instantly when the trigger is activated. But I don't understand how to set it. Could anyone help me with this?
  18. Cruiser1092

    Dead trigger on radio activation

    What if I wanted to create an outro where when all the players die a trigger is activated that starts a video saved in the directory in OGV format?
  19. Cruiser1092

    Dead trigger on radio activation

    anyway, thanks for the trigger tip! I'll test😉
  20. Cruiser1092

    Dead trigger on radio activation

    hahaha yes well in another mission I might think about it
  21. Greetings, I admit I'm a beginner with editing. however, I'm trying to create a bus service within my multiplayer mission using AI. I would like to create an AI bus that waits at the bus stop for connected players to enter the bus. Afterwards the bus will move through waipoints leading to the next stop, next to the plane to catch. Once there, I would like it to automatically unload the players and automatically return to the first stop, then remain in standby. how can I do that? it is possible to set the start of the bus using the scrolling menu? THANKS!
  22. Cruiser1092

    Land transportation

    Thanks pierremgi! I solve my problem! thanks to your suggestions! it works!
  23. Cruiser1092

    Land transportation

    hello, thanks for the reply. I would like to put an AI-driven bus that takes me from point A to point B and then returns to point A by itself after disembarking the players. I wish it would just sit at point A waiting for players. When they get on board the bus leaves and takes us to point B. the bus is of the mod cup vehicle and the map would be Sumava, in the airport.