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Eric Beuch

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Everything posted by Eric Beuch

  1. Eric Beuch

    Mystery player?

    Has anyone else seen the player by the name **********, I mean what does he or she want? Seems odd?
  2. Eric Beuch


    A friendly idea I had, people should be able to choose if they want to play in a lobby or back out and head back to the shelter?
  3. Eric Beuch


    A friendly idea I had, people should be able to choose if they want to play in a lobby or back out and head back to the shelter?
  4. Eric Beuch

    Cheating and hackers

    Okay then how about this player they clearly take no damage by radiation until I start filming? There's skill and then there is that?https://photos.app.goo.gl/FUEteeSupceq4q6T9
  5. Eric Beuch

    Cheating and hackers

    https://photos.app.goo.gl/GvYtsvWHRaeAWN5D The above link is a picture of multiple players, I watched as these dudes took no damage and killed me, if you look at his or hers stats you can see they are ridiculously high? Perhaps too high for one person to have?
  6. Eric Beuch

    Reporting system? player's have stats that are way too high for one person to have? Mine are not even that high? They have to be cheating or using a third party macro?
  7. Eric Beuch

    Helpless, weak, pathetic, cheaters

    By using a chronos zen you make it impossible for others to have fun, which decreases popularity and in so doing kills a industry and or business and to allow or encouraging this is not what anyone should do don't you think? If I had kids I would hate to see them try so hard with tears in their eyes, not realizing they have been had by a cheating hackers? Or have to resort to cheating just to get anything from the game in question? You sir do a disservice to all gamers and gaming in general?