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Everything posted by Kosiposha1551

  1. Kosiposha1551

    Help Script

    Hello, I have a problem with which I have been agonizing for a long time, but nothing works, please help. _unit = cursorTarget; Deistvie = true; civHintShown = false; while {Deistvie} do { if (_unit isKindOf "CAManBase" && side _unit == civilian) then { civHintShown = true; } else { civHintShown = false; }; if (civHintShown) then { Type_cvest = [1,2,3] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; if (Type_cvest == 1) then { Deistvie = false; hint "Гражданин"; _unit addAction ["Приказать остановиться", { _unit = _this select 0; cutText ["<t color='#00bfff' size='1.4'>Клон: </t> <t size='1.4'>Гражданин, остановитесь!</t>", "PLAIN DOWN", -1, true, true]; _unit disableAI "PATH"; removeAllActions _unit; _unit addAction ["Приказать сдаться!", { _unit = _this select 0; [_unit, true] call ACE_captives_fnc_setSurrendered; removeAllActions _unit; Deistvie = true; }, nil, 1.5, true, false, "", "", 3]; }, nil, 1.5, true, false, "", "", 20]; } else { if (Type_cvest == 2) then { hint "Мб гражданин"; Deistvie = true; } else { if (Type_cvest == 3) then { hint "Не гражданин"; Deistvie = true; }; }; }; } else { hint "Гражданина нет"; removeAllActions _unit; Deistvie = true; }; sleep 0.1; }; My idea was that the loop should make a constant check for a civilian slot and when it finds it activates the main script with different actions, the problem is that the actions are activated, but after the end of the one with action it does not start again, I assumed that this is because of the fact that Deistvie = true is written in the action, but I do not know how to make it so that only after the activation of the action activate and Deistvie.
  2. Kosiposha1551

    Help Script

    Hello, I need help, I wanted to write a small script but I have a problem. I wanted to make it so that when you hover over a bot, an action appears and disables the bot's PATH. So I wrote _unit = cursorTarget; ... _unit disableAI "PATH"; But the script gives an error before _unit and how can I solve it?
  3. Kosiposha1551

    Help Script

    No help required
  4. My knowledge of scripting is very small, so I wanted to ask you if it's possible to make a person get some Post Process Effects when he's in a trigger?
  5. Kosiposha1551

    Post Process Effects in trigger

    I want to implement this on the server, so rather about the player who is in the trigger.
  6. Hello! I'd like to know if it's possible to transfer certain data from Arma 3 to Google Table or Discord. For example, a person in Arma buys a certain item worth $1 through addaction, is it possible that this data, namely: "Spent $1". Transferred to Discord message in a separate channel or directly into the Google table. Unfortunately, I know almost nothing about scripts, so I came here for help.
  7. Help is needed. I wanted to make it so that all players that are in the trigger would be given a blackout for a few seconds and then teleport them to a certain place by coordinates. I want to do all this in a multiplayer mission. But I'm new to scripting.
  8. Hello! I need help creating a script to lock the doors, I found several similar topics, but none of the scripts helped. Door from mod MEOP. It is desirable that the script can be written in init
  9. Kosiposha1551

    Help with creating a script to lock doors

    @pierremgi I only need to lock this door :)
  10. Kosiposha1551

    Help with creating a script to lock doors

    Multiplayer. Tatooin. MEOP. https://skr.sh/sIxJtVj40XB?a Door
  11. Kosiposha1551

    Help with creating a script to lock doors

    In short, I wanted to open the door. That is, if a person has a certain object, the door lets the person through, if there is no object, it does not let him in. But during the experiments it turned out that the door is not blocked, you can still interact with it. I have been looking for various scripts for a very long time, but they are all aimed at blocking doors in buildings, not individual props. After a lot of trying, I came to the forum for help. P.S. I'm sorry if my words are not clear, my English is very poor. I write everything through a translator.