Hi folks,
From patch 1.46's changelog: "Added: Scripted event handlers for entering and exiting the incapacitated state" (https://dev.arma3.com/post/spotrep-00043#:~:text=Added%3A Scripted event handlers for entering and exiting the incapacitated state)
List of Scripted EH's on Wiki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Scripted_Event_Handlers
I've noticed the incapacitated state scripted EH doesn't appear in that list. I can't find a reference to it being removed in a later patch, so I'm guessing it is undocumented. I've hunted high and low through the function viewer to no avail, and even had help from the Discord which had the same result.
Anybody know what the event name and event params for it would be?