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About Artem1243

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  1. I want trigger to be activated if all vehicles in a group are destroyed so I tried to do this in a condition of a trigger: {alive vehicle _x} count units group_name == 0 But this doesnt work for some reason... Thank you
  2. I tried to make camera move with unit with this code... camera = "camera" camcreate [0, 0, 0] camera cameraeffect ["Internal", "back"] ShowCinemaBorder true #camloop camera camsettarget soldier1 camera camsetRelpos [0.3,-0.1,1.5] camera camcommit 0 goto "camloop" camera cameraEffect ["terminate", "Back"] camdestroy camera exit And its following, but for some reason it is shaking a lot. Its like it is teleporting, not moving. But I saw this code worked and it was moving smoothly. Do you have any ideas why it is acting so?
  3. Is it even possible to make player move in cutscene? If so, then how I can do that? Thank you in advance!