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About MoebiusUK

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  1. MoebiusUK

    [Release] Liberation RX

    I just used vanilla Explosive Charges. I found that placing it on the ground next to the tower doesn't work sometimes so I point directly at the pole and place it and that works better for me.
  2. MoebiusUK

    [Release] Liberation RX

    Man, I am moron. Really sorry, I was playing around with some settings set the GRLIB_fob_range to 1250.... Thank you for looking into it for me though, I really appreciate that.
  3. MoebiusUK

    [Release] Liberation RX

    Not 100% sure but I'll be home in a couple of hours to check so will let you know. There is a airport with gravel runway on the SW of the map and a radio tower just north of it, very close to the coast.
  4. MoebiusUK

    [Release] Liberation RX

    Ahh interesting! Thank you. We're playing on the VT7 map but couldn't place an explosive on the southern western most radio tower, near the airport (I forget the name). I wonder if that's a map bug? Do you happen to know where in the code that explosive logic is? Thanks agin
  5. MoebiusUK

    [Release] Liberation RX

    Hi all New to Liberation RX and downloaded latest from GitHub but for some reason, I can't place explosives. Whether it's RHS or vanilla, when I place Explosive Charge or IED, they just disappear. I don't see any option to Touch Off or set a timer. Anyone else experienced this at all? EDIT: Sorry, I should mention that I am able to place charges on other multiplayer scenarios and singleplayer sessions and I don't run ACE.