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USMCx Titus

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Posts posted by USMCx Titus

  1. We have been running into a few problems with staying connected to our server, usually everyone when they first connect to the server within 10 minutes they will get kicked for a battleye query timeout. After this it ranges between 10-30 minutes but they will be kicked again but this time it is for a wrong signature, the server checks keys/signatures when joining and it will not let you join if there is a mismatch but this is happening at random times after connecting to the server, some players on my server only experience this once and they are good for the rest of the day where as others can get it multiple times.

    The mods that show up are also random, sometimes it is a pbo from ACE, RHS, CUP or even a random pbo from the base game. All of these mods have tons of pbos so maybe there is something there that plays into this?


    If anyone has experienced this and knows a workaround I would appreciate the help.

  2. Does anyone know how I can disable friendly units from turning hostile if they were to accidentally kill a friendly or civilian. Same for crashing an aircraft, if the pilot survives he is considered hostile for destroying a friendly vehicle. My group does some pretty fun missions. Once we return to our base where we have some AI units the experience gets ruined as they immediately kill whoever killed a friendly or a civilian.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Gunter Severloh said:

    Good deal!

    Thats good to know, by default in the server.cfg default is the  steamProtocolMaxDataSize = 1024;

    so thats quite an increase.


    In the Basic.cfg you can also tune your server's performance which im sure you may know already, this page here


    provides default numbers for an arma server, those values you can tweak yourself based on your needs.


    As for your new issue

    My suggestion here is, delete the bikey's for the mods giving you issues and all the bisigns in the mod's folders, as well as

    the private key your using to sign those particular mods and create a new private key and resign it, resigning will give you a new bikey.


    Aside that another option, and i would do both is to delete whats on the server and reupload a fresh copy of the mods giving you issues, as sometimes the upload

    of a mod to the sever can create a mismatch which will give you another type of error like mismatch in file size, even if your not getting such

    error fresh copy would still at least eliminate any other possible contributing issue.

             For your reference use this video to help sign a mod ----> LINK

    I'll get on that now. just worked out some other files in my server.

  4. On 12/4/2022 at 5:45 PM, Gunter Severloh said:

    Signature mistmatch is based on versions, if the mod on the server is a version 3 and you have version 4 of the same mod then

    you will get a signature mismatch.

       The signatures (bisigns) of the mods for the client have to be the same as the signatures on the server, same goes for the bikey.

    When you sign a mod, all pbos of the mod will get a bisign, and then a bikey key will be produced to match the version.


    So if you have uploaded your client side mod to run on the server and have those mods on the server set in the

    server's commandline and you join the server with the same mods loaded through the arma 3 launcher you should have no issues.


       However if you installed the mods via another method to the server, and then you joined the server with your mods then

    theres the possibility of getting a signature mismatch which is rare, but it depends on where the server mods are coming from

    in terms of where their being installed from, this is important for the sake of version.


    To fix this:

    1. If the server is a private server for you and your friends then just turn off battleye and disable verify signatures in the server.cfg

    that will surely solve the issue, then just put a pw on the server and your set. This is what i do on my own server.


    2. If its a public server then the issue will most likely be on the client side which is your end, or you joining the server.

    So if you say all mods are getting a mismatch then theres the possibility that 2 things are happening, your bisigns need to be repaired

    which you can do through the arma 3 launcher, or the server side mods bisigns are corrupt and need to be repaired too.


    Whats important to know here is, and this is a question for you is where did you install the mods

    on the server from, are they from a GSP (game server provider) eg,. control panel/workshop, or did you upload the mods

    yourself from your client onto the server?

    Should have updated this. the issue was resolved by increasing the servers steamProtocolMaxDataSize from default to 5120. The server was not able to properly transmit data to clients which effected the mods. - quoting from the hosting service provider

    However after this another issue arose and I have been unable to resolve. the Service Provider was also unable to help which bummed me out as I waited nearly 10 hours for them to say they cant help but that is very typical for most providers anyways. The new issue is that some mods now say they have invalid keys, puzzling part is that two pbos that say they have invalid keys are apart of my mod which has several pbos signed by the same key.

    We are a private server but we wish to keep verify signatures turned on as we are a milsim. we would like everyone to have the same mods and not some random ones. If you know of any fixes to the latest issue please let me know. some of these mods are very crucial to us as they provide us with some key features. 

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  5. I have a dedicated server and we would like to run the server with only the mods that we have approved, this would be done through verifySignatures    = 2 on the servers config.

    I have this option enabled and I have spent my time confirming each of the mods BIKEY files are present in the servers "keys" folder, as well as verified that each mod has the correct BIKEY and their BISIGN file.

    I have ran into an issue with 4 mods, despite their keys being in the servers keys folder these mods still prevent players from joining with the "Contact an admin!" message listing the pbos that do not have an "accepted key" again their keys are in the server folder.

    One of the mods is my own, each pbo in the mod has been signed with the same BIKEY, two out of the sixteen pbos present in the mod (I know that seems like a lot, they are mainly repacked mods that did not have a BIKEY) when connecting to the server say they have a key that is not accepted which is odd because every other pbo in my mod is signed with the same key and does not give an error...

  6. 23 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said:

    Hello, Welcome to BI forums!

    On any server hosted or dedicated what your looking for will be in the server.cfg

    the code you want is verifySignatures = 2;

    Its basically signature verification


    See my post here, and scroll down to where you see the Questions and answers section of the post:


    on the last page is a post i made of a video on how to sign your addon or mod.


    Also review this page on the Arma 3 wiki


    it says its for Arma 1 but it all applies to Arma 3 as well.


    So ideally if you wanted to check player's mods against what your server is running then you want your

    mods signed, you also want the server to have a bikey file for each mod.

    Any player joining that dont have the required mods that are set in the server's commandline with included

    verify signatures in the server.cfg will be kicked.

    I had set this up exactly as you explained it, when I restarted my server it said every mod has a signature mismatch.
