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About chaapp

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  1. @major_shepard you are genius! The fix works for us and FTP upload is working again. Many thanks for your work and time! Roland
  2. That sounds great. Just a kind question: Do you have an idea how long it would take to get an idea if and if yes when this could be implemented? My problem is that in out current setup we are not able to update our repos and events anymore and depending on your decision we would need to start a migration to another hosting product or not. We are going to talk about that on sunday evening. If you don't have time to think about it on short term, no problem, let me know and we will find a solution for our problem. Many thanks for your work and best regards! Roland
  3. Hi there, we have a problem since out hosting provider forces TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 and disabled unencrypted FTP connections. We use Arma3sync for Repo-Syncs. Clients download the files via https -> everything fine. We upload files or Event-data via FTP. Some weeks ago this upload feature stopped working. We just get an error message, that we would have to check permissions on the server. We are definitely sure that the credentilas are correct. If I use FileZilla withe the same url, username and password it works. If I force Filezilla to use an unencryted connection it fails. I assume, that that the FTP upload of Arma3Sync uses unencrypted connection. Could that be the case? The debug.exe does not show any error message here. ArmA3Sync Installed version = 1.7.107 JRE installed version = 1.8.0_333 OS Name = Windows Server 2019 The sync (download) vie https works fine, just the upload fails. Unfortunately we can not switch to WEBDAV via https, because the webhosting provider does not allow it. Any suggestions? Many thanks in advance! Chaapp