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Everything posted by Rhaelphens

  1. If I understand you correctly, you want to rewrite the code you provided in a way to randomly remove an item from the player's inventory when they are hit.? If so, then maybe something like the following code ? // Event handler for when the player is hit on a specific body part player addEventHandler ["HitPart", { private ["_unit", "_shooter", "_bullet", "_pos", "_vel", "_hitLoc", "_item"]; // Assign parameters to variables in the Array _unit = _this select 0; _hitLoc = _this select 5; // Check if the unit has any items in the inventory if (count (items _unit) > 0) then { // Select a random item from the inventory _item = (items _unit) select (floor (random (count (items _unit)))); // Remove the selected item _unit removeItem _item; // Display a hint to inform the player about the lost item hint format ["You lost %1", displayName _item]; }; }]; Keep in mind that I am a bit new to SQF Scripting, so you can try and test it to see if it works correctly. I hope that helps.