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Ed Fox

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About Ed Fox

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    Private First Class
  1. Re-entering the server the equipment was present again but no squad present. Uploaded new PRT.
  2. Yes, but after I re-entered the server (I was in the lobby), I had only my old equipment, but the squad was not there. 8:55:37 "--- Liberation RX by pSiKO ---" 8:55:37 "Build date: 13/04/2022" 8:55:37 "--- Init start ---"
  3. that could not be (look at the time-stamp) - server runs about 90 minutes ? 8:55:26 "--- LRX: Cleanup player Z@Warrior (76561198026621074)" 8:55:26 "--- LRX Squad Player Z@Warrior Saved at 3335.75 " 8:55:26 "--- LRX Save start at 3335.75" 8:55:26 "--- LRX Save finish at 3335.75" 8:55:27 "Side Mission1 failed: Sunken Supplies"
  4. Sorry (no experience with Discord), can you download the RPT from my cloud - THX. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Z4pzi9bCKAklsrF0v4Hj9aA9icwEiAhH
  5. Radio-Tower blast: works as always, no idea why it worked on the first test without blasting (maybe it already exploded and respawned afterwards). Since I used the admin menu to get the needed points I thought I had enough points. Unfortunately not, I had to "manually" have 20 kills for the squad save function to work - at least a part of. After logging out and logging back in to the server my old equipment was back, unfortunately there is no trace of my squad ? I have uploaded the RPT file.
  6. I have tested the new version ("13/04/2022") a bit (didicated server with RHS). Selling ammo boxes at the SELL-SHOP works without problems; the large vehicle ammo boxes can only be recycled in the FOB as before (contents cannot be sold). @ the player and his squad are saved on disconnect (including loadout!): unfortunately not - logged out of the server and logged in again and the squad was not there; I also had the start-equipment again (not my last used). Radio-towers no longer need to be blown up ?
  7. I made some adjustments to various factions and added new factions from "Cold War Rearmed III"-Mod. The ZIP file also contains a ChangeLog. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Z4pzi9bCKAklsrF0v4Hj9aA9icwEiAhH
  8. And once again an arsenal question. When I use arsenal filters (e.g. for CUP or RHS) items in the array GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal[] are not displayed, i.e. I don't have vanilla items like FirstAidKit,ToolKit. However, the following items are displayed: ItemMap, ItemGPS, ItemRadio ItemCompass ItemWatch. Is this the way it is wanted to be ? Found the solution for this problem: If mod filters are used GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal[] has no effect and you have to use GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal_limited[]. For this for example CP_BAF_DES, RHS_USAF, RHS_AFRF factions this array is missing, therefore the vanilla items (FirstAidKit, etc.) are missing too.
  9. Somehow I reach the limits of my little scripting knowledge. I tried to implement the filters for 3CB, BWMod and CW3 but I always get error messages or a black screen. Maybe you can add these filters, I can't do it - sorry. DLC - BWMod: configfile >> "CfgMods" >> "BWA3" Arsenal-Filter: "BWA3_" DLC - 3CB (requires RHS): configfile >> "CfgMods" >> "UK3CB_BAF_Weapons" Arsenal filter: "UK3CB_". DLC - Cold War Rearmed III (requires CUP) configfile >> "CfgMods" >> "cwr3_dlc" Arsenal filter: "cwr3_" ("cwr3_b_", "cwr3_o_",, "cwr3_i_") https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Z4pzi9bCKAklsrF0v4Hj9aA9icwEiAhH?usp=sharing Anyway. The weather is much too nice to crouch in front of the PC, so I'm going hiking now. Have a nice day...
  10. Great stuff - Thanks. At the moment I'm testing a new faction (Mod:Cold War Rearmed III). Here I will then check the possibility described by you. Thanks again. In the meantime, I've published a few more maps in the workshop. There should be something for everyone: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026621074/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410
  11. The problem I have with the Arsenal is hard for me to describe. Example: I use the Fractions mod 3CB Factions. 3CB requires RHS for this. If I use the RHS filter, all 3CB weapons are gone. If I don't use the RHS filter, all vanilla stuff is there and I have to blacklist a ton of items. However, I need RHS because 3CB uses the ammunition from RHS. If I want to use the 3CB-BAF faction from 3CB, I also want to have only the British Armed Forces specific weapons in the arsenal. Therefore I would be here much faster with a whitelist arsenal compilation than with a blacklist. I have the same problem with Cold War III Rearmed - that needs CUP as a basis. Hard problem 😉 Somehow I will solve it pragmatically.
  12. I have found a solution for a whitelist-only arsenal, if anyone is interested. I.e. only those items are shown in the arsenal which are defined in the array GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal = [] (in the arsenal.sqf file of the respective faction). To do this, make the following changes: mission_param.hpp: class EnableWhiteFilter { title = "Only Whitelisted Items"; values[] = { 1, 0 }; texts[] = { $STR_PARAMS_ENABLED, $STR_PARAMS_DISABLED }; default = 0; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fetch_params.sqf GRLIB_filter_arsenalWhitel = ["EnableWhiteFilter",0] call bis_fnc_getParamValue; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- liberation_arsenal.sqf if (GRLIB_filter_arsenalWhitel == 1) then { [myLARsBox, ["GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal", "GRLIB_blacklisted_from_arsenal"], false, "Liberation", { false }] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal; } else { if (GRLIB_mod_enabled) then { [myLARsBox, ["GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal", "GRLIB_blacklisted_from_arsenal"], false, "Liberation", { false }] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal; } else { //[ myBox, [ whitelist, blacklist ], targets, name, condition ] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal; [myLARsBox, [GRLIB_arsenal_side, "GRLIB_blacklisted_from_arsenal"], false, "Liberation", { false }] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal; waitUntil {sleep 0.5; !(isNil "LARs_initBlacklist")}; //[ box, arsenalName, [ white, black ], _targets ] call LARs_fnc_updateArsenal [myLARsBox, "Liberation", ["GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal"], false] call LARs_fnc_updateArsenal; }; }; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Hi pSiKO, I noticed that in "F_getNbUnits" you determine the number of enemies depending on the number of players. I use 3 HCs on the server and they are also counted as players. So the number of enemies increases unintentionally. Maybe you could calculate the number of players without the HCs (west countSide allPlayers).
  14. @CAM0M1IE I use AIS Revive instead of PAR Revive. It is very similar and easy to implement as a script in every mission (with a lot of parameters):