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Everything posted by kaique_ks

  1. So there is no way I can use something similar in ARMA2 ? Thanks anyway, at least now I won't be racking my brains over it One more thing: There's a way for me to record the movements, shots and put it on the AI for it to do the same as I did, as if it were a replay. I know have this, in Arma 2 it works for vehicles Video:
  2. I'm not blind, I know it's Arma 3 forum. But both games work in the same way, as it has the same engine. Arma3 as 2 Arma2 use script from ArmA1 still. If Arma2 doesn't have "Reloaded" Event Handler, that must be why it's not working. Is there any way to make something similar work in Arma 2? See: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setWeaponReloadingTime
  3. Make unit have unlimited ammo but do still have to make a Magasin change
  4. Inside the game ? Don't need to put anything in the game's quest folder? It doesn't seem to work on ARMA 2 ???
  5. Help me Please AddEventHandler Could you give me some help? I want to know how this works, and if this works in ARMA 2 It's about the infinite refills script where should i put this What should I do? Create which files or where to put them in the game this addEventHandler ["Reloaded", { _unit = _this select 0; _mag = _this select 4 select 0; _unit addMagazine _mag ; }]; or this null = this spawn { _this dotarget t1; sleep 0.5; _this addEventHandler ["Reloaded",{ _unit = _this select 0 ; _mag = _this select 4 select 0 ; _unit addMagazine _mag ; }] ; while {alive t1 and alive _this} do { sleep 0.3; [_this,currentWeapon _this] call BIS_fnc_fire; } ; } ;
  6. Help me Please AddEventHandler Could you give me some help? I want to know how this works, and if this works in ARMA 2 It's about the infinite refills script where should i put this What should I do? Create which files or where to put them in the game this addEventHandler ["Reloaded", { _unit = _this select 0; _mag = _this select 4 select 0; _unit addMagazine _mag ; }]; or this null = this spawn { _this dotarget t1; sleep 0.5; _this addEventHandler ["Reloaded",{ _unit = _this select 0 ; _mag = _this select 4 select 0 ; _unit addMagazine _mag ; }] ; while {alive t1 and alive _this} do { sleep 0.3; [_this,currentWeapon _this] call BIS_fnc_fire; } ; } ;