What I have is a heli on the ground with a hold wp and a trigger. Need to load body bags on the heli with SOG Prairie Fire advanced logistics module but I can't figure out how to check the heli for the bags before it adds the addAction
this is what i have.
[Bbag_1,Bbag_2,Bbag_3,Bbag_4,Bbag_5,Bbag_6,] call VN_fnc_log_isLoaded;
if (true) then
Minuteman2 addAction ["<t color=""#33CCFF"">Air-Lift Bodies</t>",{hint "Bodies Recovered!", AirLiftBox=true;publicvariable "AirLiftBox";},nil,1.5,true,true,"","true",5, false,""];
Thanks in advance for any help 🙂