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About XTankKiller

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  1. XTankKiller

    WAVtoWSS not working

    Hello, I'm trying to convert a wav sound to wss using WAVtoWSS in order to create an SFX. Everything looks good but when i click on convert, nothing happens. Is the program working ?
  2. Hello, I need to reshape the 480 components of the geometry lod of a building into convex hulls using Object Builder's convex hull tool and i can't do it manually. I see Object Builder can run scripts, what script can i use to do this ? The components were made using Blender's convex hull tool but it's obviously not entirely compatible with Object Builder. I've also tried to use Component Convex Hull but it's spliting my components into smaller components making them unusable.
  3. Version 1.14 released: - Debug messages removed.
  4. Version 1.13 released: - Various glitches causes by transition from Extended version to Standard version corrected - Added Snipers
  5. Version 1.12 Released. - Hostage Taking missions errors fixed.
  6. This mission is a base. You will need to setup the mission if you're not using Altis as map. The pbo is meant to be modified with your own init.sqf, onPlayerRespawn.sqf etc... . You can run this pbo on a test server, the pbo includes a vehicle respawn script, an arsenal and player respawn but that's all. If you intend to use the mission on a public server you will need to add your own scripts such the squad manager, helicopter slingload, carry and drag players, a player and vehicle markers script, scripts to kick and ban players etc... This pbo also includes an unnecessary file such the documentation.pdf file which weights 2Mo / 6. A Command and Vanquish Extended Version will be released soon, this version will include all necessary scripts to be runned on a server without any required modifications excepts the setting.cfg file. The Extended version will include: - Carry Objects - Key system for vehicleseand containers - Liquid system. Liquid container and vehicles fuel tanks can be filled with any liquids. You will need to make sure to choose the right liquid. - New refuel system - New vehicle ressupply system - Squad Manager (U) - Additional Inventory (I) to store item not handled by arma default inventory - Helicopter Slingload - Vehicle Additional Inventory, in order to transport item not handled by arma default vehicle inventory. - HEMTT Flatbed can be used to transport heavy containers, turrets and light vehicles. - Base account system. Players will have to buy vehicles, weapons and ammo. The base gain money when players accomplish missions. - Rank System - Players and vehicles map markers script. - Drag and carry wounded soldiers And more... Command and Vanquish Extended version is currently running on my test server: 33rd Joint Tactical Group | Command & Vanquish V090 | Altis Concerning ACE and CUP version, i'm getting a look at it.
  7. Hello, I'm trying to create a DLL able to communicate with a distant server using c# ssl stream socket SSLStream. Everything goes fine with SSLStream.Write but every time i try to read data from the stream the game freezes for 3 seconds and crashes giving me this report: Arma 3 Troubleshooting Report Sorry for the inconvenience. Please report this on Arma 3 Feedback Tracker (http://feedback.arma3.com). Thanks to you we may fix the issue faster. ---------------------- Process exit ---------------------- Exit code: 0xE0434F4D - STATUS_CLR_EXCEPTION Running time: 00:01:04.1351830 ---------------------- System information ---------------------- Date: 2022-06-06 22:36:17 / 2022-06-07 00:36:17 +02 Current dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3launcher.exe" CLR version: 4.0.30319.42000 OS Version: 10.0.22000.0 (Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22000.0) OS 64 bit: True Process 64 bit: False Culture: fr-FR UI Culture: fr-FR ---------------------- Last game report ---------------------- not provided I tried to set a read timeout to 1 second on the SSLStream but it doesn't change anything. Anyone has a workaround ?
  8. XTankKiller

    [SOLVED] Blocked loading of DLL

    I solved the problem ! Finallyyy! The problem is coming from my misunderstanding of Visual Studio 2022. I was trying to create a project based on .Net and Standard .Net. You must create a project based on .Net Framework and select Framework 3.5 in the project properties to have it working ! A superior Framework will not work !
  9. XTankKiller

    [SOLVED] Blocked loading of DLL

    I still don't know why the game won't load my DLL. When i try to call the DLL in the game it doesn't do anything i just get ["",-1,0] but when i try to replace the DLL after calling it it says the DLL is currently used by a program. So i guess the game is trying to open my DLL but for a reason it's not working. I think there isa problem with the package UnmanagedExport. I tried package UnmanagedExport.Repack and UnmanagedExport.Repack.Update but it cause the game to crash.
  10. XTankKiller

    [SOLVED] Blocked loading of DLL

    I disabled battleye but the game is acting like there as no dll. This is what my dll is made of: using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using RGiesecke.DllExport; class MyExtension { #if WIN64 [DllExport("RVExtensionVersion", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)] #else [DllExport("_RVExtensionVersion@8", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)] #endif public static void RvExtensionVersion(StringBuilder output, int outputSize) { output.Append("Test-Extension v1.0"); } #if WIN64 [DllExport("RVExtension", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)] #else [DllExport("_RVExtension@12", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)] #endif public static void RvExtension(StringBuilder output, int outputSize, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string function) { output.Append(function); } #if WIN64 [DllExport("RVExtensionArgs", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)] #else [DllExport("_RVExtensionArgs@20", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)] #endif public static int RvExtensionArgs(StringBuilder output, int outputSize, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string function, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.LPStr, SizeParamIndex = 4)] string[] args, int argCount) { foreach(var arg in args) { output.Append(arg); } return 0; } } That's bohemia's example. When i call the extension i use: ("test" callExtension "test") It's supposed to return "test". But i don't get anything. I tried to use ("test" callExtension ["test", ["bla","bla"]]) it Returns ["",-1,0] I checked the RPT file, nothing written in.
  11. Hello, I'm trying to create an extension but i keep getting this message " 03/06/2022 05:25:27 - Blocked loading of file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\test_x64.dll'. I know DLLs have to be whitelisted in order to be loaded by the game but this is a test DLL i won't fill a Battleye contact request just for a test DLL i will have to modify. I tried to disable battleye but i get the same message. How can i get this DLL loaded ?
  12. XTankKiller

    Suggestions for Bohemia

    Thank you for you reply, i didn't know about the skipLobby parameter for description.ext file. I've never seenthis functionality. What is the command name ? I don't think a cheat could force you to join a server if this command is used with serverCommand. You could specify a password and no cheater would be able to do anything. For Bohemia development team: I've thinked again about the way to make DLLs safer and i think the best way is to pass the content of the file script calling the DLL and agenerated serial to RvExtension. This way we can make an MD5 checksum or whatever we want on the file. The best is probably to transmit the calling script file hashcode instead of the content for more safety. And if the script file does not use global variables and is not calling other scripts, i can be absolutely sure no one is able to call the DLL except my script file. I want a generated serial because anyone can decompile a DLL. If this DLL communicates with a distant server, there would be no way to protect this distant server except with a generated serial we can check on the distant server. This way, we wouldn't have anymore security problems with our DLLs.
  13. Hello. I am a content creator and so far, i have 3 very important suggestions for Bohemia's Arma development team: - First: add a variable in RvExtension which contains the path and name of the script file which is calling the extension and an identifier (created by the game that we could check from a distant server using some way you have provided). This way we can be able to improve our dlls security making sure no function is called by a non-desired script. I am working on a SSL socket server to communicate with a distant server to record player's military file, but there is no way to make sure the dll is only called by an authorized script, so any smart person could find a way to cheat. - Second: Add a function to directly transfer a player from a server to another and an other one to allow a mod to connect a player directly to a specific server when the player reaches the main menu after game launch. This way we will be able to create new multiserver experience. We could even think about creating a new Semi-MMO that would offer much more than what we can do possibly imagine to do with Altis Life. - Third: A function to programatically be able to select the seat of the player. Many servers (like th 77th JSOC public servers) don't require the player to select a seat in the lobby. It would be better if we were able to skip this part. It would be excellent for immersion.
  14. Version 1.11 Released: - adjusted sleep timer for better performances
  15. Version 1.10 Stable released: - Fixed issues with populated servers - Fixed all issues with CSAT device vulnerability