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About ArtOfSimulation

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  1. ArtOfSimulation

    Arma3 Videos

    Hey guys, so I am new to this community and wanted to share my first video of Arma 3 I made. I don't know if there's a place to introduce yourself on this forum, but I will keep it short in here. My channel is called "Art of Simulation" and is about the showing the art and power of simulation games, where Arma 3 is a simulation game as well. I've been always playing simulation games for the past years and trying new things, but never shared my gamplay of it. So now it was the time for me to share some of my gameplays. I'm not a pro gamer, and not a spec-op or member of the army, I'm just a software developer who likes to play with simulation 😉 and likes scripting. Here's my first video in Arma 3: Feel free to like & subscribe for more!