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Everything posted by CP1821Yuri

  1. Hello! i go by Yuri, my discord is CP-1821 Yuri#7835 i was banned from the Arma 3 discord due to spam, I fell short here, i didn't know what happened until it was too late. i clicked a link and i received malware from a user reading "Free CS:GO skins" i don't even play that game lust accidently clicked it and got malware from it. I was banned because my account was stolen and spammed that verry message in every channel. it didn't just ban me from the Arma 3 server it got me banned from a milsim i was with at the time, the R6 discord and phas discord both perm banned me. im here to tell you that the actions where in no way my fault and that my computer is clean and has been for a few months now.