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Stevan Corak

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Everything posted by Stevan Corak

  1. So I have a small problem I'm making a mission where my players are robbing a bank, in the end, I will betray them with one of my friends is there any way to remove the text that says when somebody friendly killed someone??
  2. Hello everyone I'm still new to arma3 scripting and I'm having problems with a mission countdown. This is the On Activation callsing [900] execVM "timer.sqf"; And this is the script private "_time"; _time = _this select 0; while {_time > 0} do { _time = _time - 1; hintSilent format["Time Left: \n %1", [((_time)/60)+.01,"HH:MM"] call BIS_fnc_timetostring]; sleep 1; }; My question is how do I end the task if the timer comes down to 0
  3. Stevan Corak

    End task with a script.

    Thanks a lot!