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About Cvne

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  1. Hi, The sensitivity of the head-tracking is very different between on-foot and in-vehicle. While playing as infantry, the head-tracking sensitivity appears to be doubled from what it should be--when it's 90* in TrackIR, it's 180* in-game. This changes when I step into a vehicle, where 90* = 90*. This makes it very hard to find a good medium for both. Can I disable or change this sensitivity somehow? Thanks. ___ [Edit] While I wait for a response, I'm using the following workaround: I made two TrackIR profiles with two sets of sensitivities, and I swap between them using hotkeys when I get into or out of vehicles. It's annoying to have to do this, but it works. [Edit 2] It appears to have fixed itself, though I don't know how. I think the spontaneous fix happened after I disabled and re-enabled TrackIR in the Arma options, possibly by "refreshing" the controllers first. Might want to try that.
  2. Hi, I'm having some issues when placing buildings (structures, walls). When I go to place them, their placements do not match the blueprint--they often offset by several feet. I remember being able to very accurately place things in the original Liberation--is this no longer possible? Edit: Video of my issue: Edit: I've gone back to playing the original KP Liberation, as base building is a big part of why I like it so much. I think I would enjoy the new features of RX, but not at the expense of established functionality.