My internet is not the best, 7mbps up 0.6 mbps down. Now I normally only have issues when a large file is being downloaded and devices are also on the network. The whole network will crash and I have to reset my router.
I’ve played countless games Warthunder, Arma 3, Squad, HLL, etc. They have never caused any stress on my network like Reforger does.
Reforger will run fine for about 5-10 minutes. Then my ping will jump up too 999ms. It will either cause a hiccup in my connection and as soon as I quit Reforger my internet comes back and runs fine. Today this happened, while no one else was using my network and I went to play Warthunder afterwards and my ping was 60-70ms. Most of the time it will just crash my whole network and I need to restart my router.
I’m doubtful there is a quick fix for this, I just want to know why Reforger utilizes so much of my network and that the devs are working on fixing this. I just want to play the game, I really enjoy it when it works, which is very rare.