I've noticed that sometimes when playing either shootout or elimination, every player (including myself) has the same appearance (the bald guy with the blue coat and the turtle neck).
Also, when this happens, emotes are unavailable (empty).
I would have no problem if this was just the end of it, but I've also noticed that whenever this happens, I get NO REWARDS whatsoever. No XP, no food, no crates. Even though at the end of the game, I get the message saying I won something.
I don't know if I'm the only one to get this but I think not because, whenever I get this in Elimination mode, no one is using emotes. Makes sense, since they are unavailable.
So now, whenever I launch a game and I see that everyone has this character, I just quit. I don't see the point of playing if I know I won't get any reward.
Any one else has info about this issue?